How is Putin's military draft any different from a form of slavery ?

How is Putin's military draft any different from a form of slavery ?
Since you are trying to reason here in the economic plane, I will try to continue - it is different, and not for the better.
Slaves represent a certain economic value for the slave owner. He spent money on them and is interested in getting something useful from them.
Putin got everything for nothing, they are rather prisoners or hostages. so he has no reason to keep them.
How is this any different than what we do in the US, in terms of requiring young males to sign up for selective service, of which failure to register is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or 5 years imprisonment? your crimes would all have victims?

The distinction between malum in se and malum prohibitum offenses is best characterized as follows: a malum in se offense is "naturally evil as adjudged by the sense of a civilized community," whereas a malum prohibitum offense is wrong only because a statute makes it so. State v. Horton, 139 N.C. 588, 51 S.E. 945, 946 (1905).
Conscription is what it is. Seems reasonable that a nation faced with the end of it’s existence should be able to use extreme measures for self preservation.

So, if a small group of men start a "new nation" and disavow the previous USA masters who threaten extreme measures, they could "conscript" you and you'd be fine with that? As long as your forced servitude is called "conscription" it's not slavery ?
He's so focused on himself that he has no idea how it's possible for anything to exist before him, or for how anything could possibly be more important than what he wants. He is the Everclear 190 of narcissism.
How is this any different than what we do in the US, in terms of requiring young males to sign up for selective service, of which failure to register is a felony punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or 5 years imprisonment?
Wow. I didn't know this. Thats fkd up. So much for land of the Free.
Wow. I didn't know this. Thats fkd up. So much for land of the Free.

Words have to be attached to an appropriate corresponding action to have a resounding meaning. Otherwise they are empty words.

The USA is the most heavily legislated (freedom restrictive) and holds the highest percent of it's population of any country in prison etc. Although, one could argue countries like N. Korea are just open air prisons as opposed to the free range prisons most countries are. the differences worldwide is really just a matter of degrees. etc.

The USA, as a country is a "useful idiot,' and is the de facto army for the people behind the u.s. dollar / federal reserve notes. People are taught to send their sons to die for the dollar and those dead sons are heroes...they are being lied to at lethal cost.
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Words have to be attached to an appropriate corresponding action to have a resounding meaning. Otherwise they are empty words.

The USA is the most heavily legislated (freedom restrictive) and holds the highest percent of it's population of any country in prison etc. Although, one could argue countries like N. Korea are just open air prisons as opposed to the free range prisons most countries are. the differences worldwide is really just a matter of degrees. etc.

The USA, as a country is a "useful idiot,' and is the de facto army for the people behind the u.s. dollar / federal reserve notes. People are taught to send their sons to die for the dollar and those dead sons are heroes...they are being lied to at lethal cost.
How much of the indigenous natives property are you controlling by force Rob?.....everything you clam as your free territory was stolen from the natives. Why don't you lead by example and vacate your illegally seized home? Show us you can walk the walk.