how is my plant doing? seeking fellow growers opinion.


whats up forum, this is my first grow, my plant has been flowering for a few weeks now, and im just wondering how you guys think its coming along?

i dont expect to yeild a whole lot simply because im only growing under 2 CFL bulbs, and this was kind of an experimental/learning grow..

heres the pics, what do you guys think? how much longer until she's ready, and how does it look?

UPDATE: new pics under new light (250w HPS) - 1/27/2010

Baby Caramelicious:



Well-Known Member
Yea I see the be honest with IMO the plants look kinda ruff, the tips of some of the top leaves look dry and deadish. The top of the plant should be where the best bud is because it's closer to the light, yours doesn't really look like that.


yeah, it suffered from some nute burn earlier on, it seems as if its growing really slow, maybe thats just due to lack of light power? soon i will be running a 250w HPS in a secret jardin tent.


Active Member
1st of all doesnt seem like pests, more like too close to the light, but i dont think 2 cfls could do that much damage... IMO thaz pH problem or simply drought


Well-Known Member
yeah, it suffered from some nute burn earlier on, it seems as if its growing really slow, maybe thats just due to lack of light power? soon i will be running a 250w HPS in a secret jardin tent.
Yea you will see much better gains and a lot less stretching with the HPS....and tighter denser buds you won't be disappointed. I would probably stick with thecfls for veg though, just add a few more.


i actually will be using a 250 MH for the veg stage, then swith to HPS for flowering. But Hey thanks guy, thanks for your input. yeah i didnt expect the CFL's to do any damage so i have them pretty close, maybe 2-4 inches, but i've been told thats fine. im pest free, no bugs or anything. however, i suspect the pH levels to be a little over 7.0..


Well-Known Member
Ahh yea I didn't see that you were using an MH in you grow it just said cfls but that works too, for me the best combo is definitely MH veg HPS flowering, and a few cfls never hurt anything the more light the better IMO. Yea and cfls can go as close to the tops of the leaves as you would like, I have even heard of people putting them right next to the leaves almost touching. And a pH of over 7.0 is pushing it a little bit but you should be fine, you can get some shittty little test strips at walmart or something for the low.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Definitely some nutrient burn damage like you mentioned.

The hairs look funny. Like you trimmed them or something.

Other than that I think you have at least another 45 days of flowering.


45 days? wow.... yeah i suppose thats right, i cant even smell her yet.. im getting my new lights tomorrow from a friend in Colorado, once i get back home and set it all up i will put the plant under the new 250w HPS...


Well-Known Member
whats up forum, this is my first grow, my plant has been flowering for a few weeks now, and im just wondering how you guys think its coming along?

i dont expect to yeild a whole lot simply because im only growing under 2 CFL bulbs, and this was kind of an experimental/learning grow..

heres the pics, what do you guys think? how much longer until she's ready, and how does it look?

UPDATE: new pics under new light (250w HPS) - 1/27/2010

Baby Caramelicious:

:weed: Nice the ladies are beginning to look tasty!