How is my grow? Check out the pics!


Active Member
Here are some pics of my current grow.... it is my first...

I also need a question answered about my lights.

I have a 400w metal halide, and a 1000w High Pressure Sodium.

What would be better to use for veg? I know that MH is usually better, but with the 1000w would it be better for veg?



Active Member
Hi, these are pics for the next day. Im going to be putting pictures up everyday so you guys can see how it goes. I'm adding 3/9-3/12 today.



Active Member
These are pics from 3-11. I have added another ballast, so now I am running the 1000w HPS and 400w MH. The pictures I took are next to a MH bulb so that you can compare the size of them.

I wanted to ask you guys about my dwarf. As you can see in the pictures, this plant is about 2 inches tall, and has 3 healthy, but tiny sets of leaves. All around the plant is very healthy, green, no dead leaves... I just dont understand why its so small. Her name is Tiny.

On another note, I havent watered in 4 days, and the plants are loving it. The soil holds moisture well, but they are enjoying the oxygen to their roots.

I've also updated my watering mixture to this

Hydrogen Peroxide
Epsom Salt
Jack's classic 20-20-20

I've also began foliar sprays with seltzer water, and a very diluted nute solution (1/8 of packaging recommendations)

All in all, I'm very happy with their growth... keep watching for updates.



Well-Known Member
there starting to look more healthy now!in the other pics they looked abit yellow,now there taking on a dark green colour so things are looking good,,,and tiny might just be a runt,you get um sometimes,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
they look MUCH MUCH better - great turn around! wouldn't worry too much about the dwarf - maybe it will have a spurt and get as big or bigger as the others - if not - well you still have other plants.


Active Member
they look good and i can't really say anything about the lights, but i thought i see some kind of tin foil in one of the pics get rid of it if it is becuase tin foil is no good for plants it just turns light energy to heat energy and creates hot spots, use Mylar or a flat white. anyways keep up the good work.