How Is My Electric Bill LESS when Growing? wtf


Well-Known Member
I've been running my 400w on 18/6 for a little over a month, and my electric bill is LESS than it normally is this month. lol!

How the fuck? I was expecting it to be like 100 bucks, but it was only 37. Normally when I don't grow it's around 39-41$

I've got 2 fans on full blast, an exhaust fan, a ballast, and a 400w HPS.


lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Naw, I just paid it in full. 37$


Even the wattage was pretty close to what it normally is
The electric company sometimes estimates usage instead of actually reading the meter. The next bill will be higher im sure. My electric bill is $31 more when growing


Well-Known Member
My bill is 100% more when growing lmao

But yeah in college my old 400 w didn't run up my bill but like $15-20 if that. Honestly didn't really see a difference.


Well-Known Member
Where I live they estimate your usage for 2 months then take an actual reading on the third. So in spring and fall you sometimes get a bill way different than the others. Just look at your previous bills and it should say on it somewhere if it is an estimate or actual meter reading.


Well-Known Member
With your new hobbie, your probably not watching tv , playstation , list in to music ect as much as before u started ur new hobbie , probly just evened its self out.