How in the hell did I not get arrested just now?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I made some careless tactical errors tonight. I was smoking up in my car with over half an ounce in my possession, wasn't really concerning me since I have a really good hiding spot. But I made the critical error of warming my car up in the middle of a session, with it being really cold out, the exhaust from my car gave away my position and before I knew it a unmarked police vehicle pulled up in my little nook and put the lights on.

Needless to say I thought I was toast. I quickly removed everything from plain sight, but I knew there was going to be no getting around the smell at this point, I rolled my window down and prepared for the worst. He asked for my license and registration which I managed to procure for him smoothly enough. He began asking questions about what I was doing there, if there was anybody else coming. I knew he was obviously pegging me as a drug dealer, and I knew he was going to want to get inside my car and check out the goods. I knew I had to say no to a search, but I know these guys aren't stupid, if the smell wasn't enough, refusing a search is the biggest red flag I don't want to raise.

He returned to his vehicle and I sat there for a few minutes, he came back, asked if this is a regular occurrence for me. I told him no, and gave him the honest truth of it. I'm restless and displaced due to dealing with a very troublesome elbow fracture. And with that he gave me back my license and papers and he bid me a good night. Didn't even mention the smell.

I'm unsure what exactly saved me here, did I just handle the situation a lot better than I think I did, or maybe this cop really just didn't want to bust me? I would almost think it's the latter, but once again, it's almost certain he thought I was a dealer, I'm baffled he didn't try and get in the car.

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson, as many precautions as I normally take, I knew I was always playing the odds game smoking in my car.
Learned these two rules for my life 30 yrs. ago when "closely" followed by a chp alone for 10 miles outside Barstow CA. in desert area.
1. Never travel with an open container while in car.
2. Never drive around with an ashtray full of roaches.

Since added... 3. Never smoke in the car unless on private property and that's done carefully.

Never been arrested...
Back in the days when I lived at home I smoked in my car 90% of the time.
I never had a cop pull up behind me when we sat and smoked somewhere thank goodness.
There were a few places in middle class neighborhoods and some places in the woods or farm lanes we would sit.
We never littered or played loud music.
The only times I was pulled over were on the road and always got off without a search.
I had rules in the car that you can't take a drink or toke in town or at crossroads.
Anywhere cops could sit and watch traffic.
A lot more police don't care than do. The more experienced they get, the more drunk people they have to deal with, the more crackheads ect they arrest, the less the quiet guys sitting around with bags of cookies bother them.

In most cases if you're caught in possession you've got a better chance being polite and friendly than demanding rights. I've seen a guy screaming they had no right to search him picked up and thrown pretty far into the back of a police van. I've also seen my best friend in the same situation quietly handing his weed over, being resigned and polite about it, he had 1/4 oz on him. THEY GAVE HIM MOST OF HIS WEED BACK. Seriously, they took less than a spliff out as evidence, gave him a written caution and handed the rest back after he said that was his weed for the week and it was 5 days til next payday.

I've personally had many police tell me they have better things to worry about and the encounter that really got me thinking about growing again was about 9 months ago, when a friend had an acrimonious split with his GF and moved to mine. Her sister claimed he'd been yelling at their house (he was in the gym with me, on cctv) and 3 police officers turned up at mine looking for him. I'd just smoked a joint and opened the door expecting my friend. Completely crapped myself given the smell and they noticed. The oldest cop said 'Relax, we're just looking for Martin.' The second cop said 'We don't care if you're smoking weed.' Then the last cop chipped in 'Or growing it.'.

I wasn't right then, but when a couple months later I found some of my old setup...I figured wth, if the police don't mind I can save a ton of money!
I've also seen my best friend in the same situation quietly handing his weed over, being resigned and polite about it, he had 1/4 oz on him. THEY GAVE HIM MOST OF HIS WEED BACK. Seriously, they took less than a spliff out as evidence, gave him a written caution and handed the rest back after he said that was his weed for the week and it was 5 days til next payday.

Was this in a decriminalized/medicinal state?
No, this is in England, still no legal changes. If it was in a decriminalized state I wouldn't be saying the police were nice about it, I'd be saying why the hell are they bothering us when it's not a crime :P
Was gonna say..... No way that would fly in a place like Texas. Possession of marijuana down there is like an affront to the baby Jesus or something.