Well-Known Member
Hopefully some might find this useful !
To start I feed right up to harvest.
IMO starving doesn't provide any benefit. I believe the plant gets more benefit from available nutrients than from cannibalizing it's leaves.
My last watering is three days before chop. Up till the week before they were taking a gallon every two days in 3 gallon fabric pots with ProMix HP.
Harvest is when ALL the white pistils have turned color and receded. AND the trichomes are all at least cloudy/white, some amber is good.
I chop when lights normally come on, no dark period other than regular lights off.
My last crop I wet trimmed on the plant, seemed to be quite a bit faster.
Then I cut off the branches and hang in the dark. Best I could do was 45% RH and 70 degrees. A suggested ideal is 50-60/60.
I had a staggered harvest so I built a frame and threw a tarp over it
And had a 50cfm fan blowing in. Takes six to seven days for the buds to feel "crispy", I never did get the hang of the "snap the branch" thingee..

Cut the buds off the branches and loose fill a food grade container to at least 3/4's full. Anything less is too much air.
OR multiple jars, your choice
Pop in a hygrometer (less than $20 for 5 off Amazon) and check it the next day. Takes a while to get a good reading as the crispy parts will absorb moisture from the bud interiors.
Ideally it won't be over 70. If it is leave the top off the contain for a half hour, three times a day. Much over 70% is mold area and I would either paper bag it or lay it out on newspaper for a while. You will get the hang of this part, no pun intended !
It's handy to have an extra container the same size. Place on top of the original and flip. This is less harsh than fluffing up the buds and gives the bottom of the container access to the burp.
When RH is in the high 60's burp the container twice a day for a couple of minutes until it reaches 58%.
Hopefully this will take at least two weeks.

Then I vacuum seal in 1 L mason jars with a 58%/size 8 Bovida pack.
Some prefer 62% but 58% works best for me to grind for joints or pipe.
The KEY to a good cure is paying attention to the RH !
Gelato auto.

Purple Silverback auto.

Please feel free to add your comments/alternatives to this method.
Hopefully some might find this useful !
To start I feed right up to harvest.
IMO starving doesn't provide any benefit. I believe the plant gets more benefit from available nutrients than from cannibalizing it's leaves.
My last watering is three days before chop. Up till the week before they were taking a gallon every two days in 3 gallon fabric pots with ProMix HP.
Harvest is when ALL the white pistils have turned color and receded. AND the trichomes are all at least cloudy/white, some amber is good.
I chop when lights normally come on, no dark period other than regular lights off.
My last crop I wet trimmed on the plant, seemed to be quite a bit faster.
Then I cut off the branches and hang in the dark. Best I could do was 45% RH and 70 degrees. A suggested ideal is 50-60/60.
I had a staggered harvest so I built a frame and threw a tarp over it

And had a 50cfm fan blowing in. Takes six to seven days for the buds to feel "crispy", I never did get the hang of the "snap the branch" thingee..

Cut the buds off the branches and loose fill a food grade container to at least 3/4's full. Anything less is too much air.
OR multiple jars, your choice

Pop in a hygrometer (less than $20 for 5 off Amazon) and check it the next day. Takes a while to get a good reading as the crispy parts will absorb moisture from the bud interiors.
Ideally it won't be over 70. If it is leave the top off the contain for a half hour, three times a day. Much over 70% is mold area and I would either paper bag it or lay it out on newspaper for a while. You will get the hang of this part, no pun intended !
It's handy to have an extra container the same size. Place on top of the original and flip. This is less harsh than fluffing up the buds and gives the bottom of the container access to the burp.
When RH is in the high 60's burp the container twice a day for a couple of minutes until it reaches 58%.
Hopefully this will take at least two weeks.

Then I vacuum seal in 1 L mason jars with a 58%/size 8 Bovida pack.
Some prefer 62% but 58% works best for me to grind for joints or pipe.
The KEY to a good cure is paying attention to the RH !
Gelato auto.

Purple Silverback auto.

Please feel free to add your comments/alternatives to this method.