How High Do U Get In A Day?


Well-Known Member
I'm at the point where I'm finding out what the best amount for me is per day to maintain a good tolerance.

so far it seems that for personal use my tolerance is best with about a gram a day. but I'm not sure what I should do about this haha, I guess its better I have trouble with how much I smoke rather than not having any smoke.

but really what's the point of having bomb chronic smoke that barely gets you high? tolerance matters.


New Member
i smoke atleast 3 times a day with 3 bong tokes each session and after that i reach my limit i wont get any higher just wasting weed and i have atleast 4 -8 strains to smoke at any time different kushes and top shelf non kushes lol


Well-Known Member
One time i was at a party and i was the dd so i just smoked dope, i ended up smoking myself sober. I was pissed!!!


Well-Known Member
1 oz a month i smoke everyday but it just dosent take me that much to get the high i want sometimes i will just blaze heavy and fall into coma
well i'm up early cause i'm sick in the morning ( have been for 3 yrs) so i'm up at like 5:30 3 bong hoots then , 2 more at 8 am 102 more at 10 am , 1-2 at like 1 and then before dinner 4-5 bong hoots or 2 nice 2 gram joints( to get a appatetite) then at night usually 8ish throu 12 am i smoke on average 1 hoots a hr ..... so like in a day depending on really how sick i am can range from like 4-5 grams on a good day and when i'm feeling rugged like 8-9 easily.... and always minimum i have 10 strains on hand so i have variety and a constant good high that can constantly make my stomach feel better.


Well-Known Member
One time i was at a party and i was the dd so i just smoked dope, i ended up smoking myself sober. I was pissed!!!
I like your avatar. I actually live an hour from that sign. Its in weed, california. Haha


Well-Known Member
I usually blaze at night.. Dont have the time to smoke a lot during daytime..
So I usually get higher at weekends when I can spend the whole day smoking!


Active Member
never high enough, in fact im thinkin about not smokin any tomorrow just so i will feel weird


Active Member
never high enough, in fact im thinkin about not smokin any tomorrow just so i will feel weird
Hahaha, i was seriously thinkin about doing that tomorrow too. but i don't think i can, im an angry guy when im not high!bongsmilie