How high are you... RIGHT NOW?


Well-Known Member
I havent been smoking due to my finals, but I smoked yesterday, and damn I am still high this morning... my BAC for THC must be diminishing greatly to have this effect carrying over to today.
last night I was paranoid high, like and 11, or 12, you know how you get when your chest starts pounding and your mind is racing out of control... today I feel like a 3 or 4, but I am hardly able to organize any thoughts into coherent studying. I think ill go put some work into the garden. I hope i didnt kill my finals.


Well-Known Member
Killer you need to grind you up a little bud and use it to make tea or coffee.
This will help you study.


I am soaring around a 8.5.
I made me some more THCtea.
I hit the bong a couple of times.
I decided to mississippi it. ie. 1miss2miss3,4,
I have suprised myself this morning.

I got Floyd on the surround sound that is hooked to my comp's media player.
I think I might actually drink some beer today.

I should run out of herbal medicine about 3pm.
It will probally be about 9:30pm before I can get my prescription filled.


Well-Known Member
I have not heard from you al..

I am feeling about a 8.75 right now.

I met my cousin and he got me some shit.
Damn is all I an say...

He said he smoked some WW with the people he got my ish from.
He said he thought this would be better than the WW.
He made this decision off of the look and smell.
I only got a 1/2 an eitgh.

I am superioly impressed.

Bong hits all around.


New Member
Out of 10? I'm on a permanent 12... about a 15 at the mo' because I'm smoking some lovely home-made hash, cocktailed with my own home-grown grapefruit.

Al Capone

Well-Known Member
Killer you need to grind you up a little bud and use it to make tea or coffee.
This will help you study.


I am soaring around a 8.5.
I made me some more THCtea.
I hit the bong a couple of times.
I decided to mississippi it. ie. 1miss2miss3,4,
I have suprised myself this morning.

I got Floyd on the surround sound that is hooked to my comp's media player.
I think I might actually drink some beer today.

I should run out of herbal medicine about 3pm.
It will probally be about 9:30pm before I can get my prescription filled.
Floyd is the shit


Well-Known Member
What up Al?

I am flying at an altitude of about 8 feet right now.

Just hit a couple bonghits of some bubble gum I just got.

Last time dude had NL.

I liked the ak he had a while back the best though.

Just thouhgt I would share my level of f'd up'd tid ness.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been high since May 20. I took 2 bong hits at a party last Friday but that doesn't count (for me, at least.) My best dealer has stopped dealing weed. :(

Hopefully I can get some weed tonight because my buddy has a good dealer. Just hopefully. I have a weak feeling that he will even answer his phone. I need some weed pretty bad. As soon as we get it I'm gonna gravity bong it and get RIPPED.


Well-Known Member
Fresh baked. But on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 6. I'm not stoned, but I am nicely high. This weed doesn't give me the desired effect, but it's the best I can get right now.


Well-Known Member
I just woke up from a nap and took a snipit off of the top of one of my plants.
It is very sticky, my fingers were sticking together after handeling it.
I cooked it really slow in my toaster oven for 20 min.

I think I figured out what they mean by cerebral high.
I smoked it in a small gravity bong.
I am running about a 6.5 right now. It seems to have a creep affect.
There is a nice earthy aftertaste when blowing out the smoke.
This coming monday will be 8 weeks.

This being an indicator of how good it is going to get really speaks for this plant.
It is pretty damn dank right now.
The high seems to be almost unnoticeable for about 3 min.
Then it seems to just get more and more intense.

I can only imagine how good it will be after proper drying and curing..


Well-Known Member
not high at all. I can only get crap bud here that makes my head hurt so im growing my own dank. Wont be another 3 month till i have smokable bud. :(


Well-Known Member
Im with ya Vr6t. I have a drug test next month and I have been sober for 2 weeks. :cry:
I got soooo bored I started reading a lot and found this site. It has been a gift and inspired me to start growing. I am setting up a grow closet right now! I plan to post a grow log once they start growing.