How heavy a smoker are you?

How much do you spend to get high on a weekly basis?

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Well-Known Member
I smoke maybe 70-90 dollars worth a week, which is the equivilent to about 1/3rd of an ounce in my area. Im wondering if this is would be considered "heavy use" but I cant find any data to compare it to. Could you all maybe help me out and post some true actual data?

Last line should be 300-400+ dollars. So anything above 400 would go there. Sorry bout that.


Well-Known Member
I find that number a bit unbelievable. How could you possibly afford that much. That would be a good 1/2 pound to 1/3rd a pound in my area. In a week? I just cant believe those numbers. Thats alot of fuckin pot. If you did it I am impressed but right now I just cant believe it.


Well-Known Member
believe it or not i don't smoke at all.Just grow!Smoking makes me paranoid now i haven't really smoked in years.


Well-Known Member
I find that number a bit unbelievable. How could you possibly afford that much. That would be a good 1/2 pound to 1/3rd a pound in my area. In a week? I just cant believe those numbers. Thats alot of fuckin pot. If you did it I am impressed but right now I just cant believe it.

that's not weekly. That's monthly.

So if you break it down that's 235.50 a week on weed. Which is about an ounce and a half quarter (1/8th) In canada we pay about half of what you guys pay for the same bud.


Well-Known Member
All grant him that I wasnt being generous with the numbers or the possibilities of his sources. I figured for cheap shwagg. But still 2 ounces a week? Thats still alot of dope to smoke in a week.


Well-Known Member
A oz and a half I could see. That makes more sense. I thought you were posting 900 a week lol. Sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
I smoke maybe 70-90 dollars worth a week, which is the equivilent to about 1/3rd of an ounce in my area. Im wondering if this is would be considered "heavy use" but I cant find any data to compare it to. Could you all maybe help me out and post some true actual data?

Last line should be 300-400+ dollars. So anything above 400 would go there. Sorry bout that.
2 years ago it around 150 bucks a week
which is 2 zips


Active Member
Shit i smoke a little less then an ounce a week of that good week nyc deiesel and other good ass shit so add that up for a year and i got a volcano for those that dont know its the coolest top of the line vaporizer on the market and still smoke lots of joints and shit lol i actually dont know why i do that the volcano is like not smokin like u get high but then you dont get the sensation of smokin like gettin a big hit and coughin or whatever just not the same but great alternative to killin your lungs 24/7 lol


Well-Known Member
wow, i buy to much weed... around one thousand - 2 thousand straight up son !

yup, i love my weed :D


Well-Known Member
you could build one hell of a grow room for the amount of loot you guys spend on weed.
could spend a hell lot of time in jail and to produce the weed i buy i think youd have to be some genius in growing weed.. rly... quality is great.. i'd rather pay... 2 months = 10 grand... 2 months of smoking weed = 5 grand. i make 5 grand each time.

and i get to smoke weed for free basicly. :bigjoint::eyesmoke:

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
im an occasional toker. maybe a gram a week. i keep it simple, stay fit, and my tolerance stays low and i have a great time.

Dank Hill

Well-Known Member
i smoke about an oz a month. trying to get it down to half an oz a month. at the moment my lungs hate me. i think i need to dwindle down a little..