• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How have people been busted?

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Pirate, I do acknowledge that you have made some relevant points; however, I don't think you've read both of my posts on this thread. With my teen living with me, NO WAY will I do it. And I have made that decision not only because of legal ramifications, but because of the emotional damage that could be done to him were he "in on it" and basically be forced to become my accomplice. In other words, although I have no ethical problems with marijuana (for responsible ADULT use) and I find nothing ethically wrong with growing, either for personal or commercial use, a teenager in the mix, even if one thinks that kid does not know, is huge blunder--in every damned way: ethically, legally, emotionally. I feel a tremendous amount of ethical responsibility because I am a parent.

ALso, I need to retract something. I found out I was wrong about my state's laws regarding schools, daycares, etc. It's much less than 1000 feet, so even if I do undertake this, that's not a concern of mine. I'd advise anyone else to check that for their own state. And according to Dan on this thread, in some states, even bus stops are included in this. Churches too.

Regarding the friend who grows, she had me a house guest (which is a yearly thing), and there really was no way to hide it from me. And there was no reason for her to fear me knowing. I don't care. I applaud her for it. She thought, or somehow inferred, that I had mentioned it to another very close friend and got really upset. I had not let that info slip, but even if I had, this other friend is not a threat at all. Just not. These are women I've known for over twenty years, one a nurse, the other a social worker. I know, I know, I know . . . no one who does not have to know should not know, but in this case, the second friend is no threat at all. Disclaimer: By making that statement, I am not saying that it's fine to blab to anyone you think is a friend. I just trust both of these women implicitly and know that the second one was no threat to the other. BUT I DO GET IT: Don't tell if they don't need to know. Yes. And one more time, I did not let the info slip. I wasn't even thinking: "Don't let R know about A's grow! Just be cool." It never occurred to me. One grows. One doesn't. And I happen to know them both. Was not a big deal to me at all, IOW, I was not waiting with impatience to tell B, Oh, wow, you gotta hear this! Nah, we had other things to chat about.

More troubling, in my opinion, are those who think it's just peachy to let teens in on the grow. I'll come right out here and be judgmental: those are not good parenting actions. I don't care how much you trust your children, how "cool" you think you or your children are, people who do that are NOT cool. Just because one enjoys imbibing in marijuana does not make one cool. Cool is demonstrated by other things. Being a cool parent means being the best parent one can be, whether one smokes or not. And involving children in this "hobby" is NOT like involving them in growing tomatoes, for the simple reason that it is still illegal. It makes no difference for this argument WHY it is illegal or whether or not one agrees with it. The fact is, it is illegal; involving kids in it is decidedly UNCOOL.

About the twenty-one-year-old who found the grow room: why was there no lock on the office/ guest room? If you don't want guests in your home to know, put a lock on the door, and take the other precautions (odor control, etc). That was an easily avoided blunder. Bummer, though.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Oh, wanted to add, that I think your "no big deal" attitude about snitches is rather daring. Cops use snitches and they get away with it. You can google all kinds of stuff on this. One of the most glaring and horrifying cases was the topic of an HBO documentary called The Trials of Daryl Hunt. Google that. And then there was also the guy in Alabama who just happened to live in the other half of a duplex where there was serious drug dealing taking place. The guy actually wound up shooting and killing a cop who made an illegal raid on his home, based upon the sketchy and anonymous "informant." The next door neighbor, the real drug dealer? White guy? Had about what the snitch said he had (lotsa hard drugs) but he's gone now, and the poor guy who was just watching tv with his infant daughter in his lap, minding his own business, is now sitting on death row in Alabama.

Snitches are one of the most insidious "tools" used by law enforcement. Don't kid yourself.


Well-Known Member
the poor guy who was just watching tv with his infant daughter in his lap, minding his own business, is now sitting on death row in Alabama.
That is beyond messed up... I'd blow that pigs face off too if he kicked in my door while I'm there with my daughter... Why is this man in prison for defending his family from assholes who...
1. came into his home illegally
2. Could of been any crazy person coming to kill him and his family

That's F-d up... taking that man away from his kid cause the police are stupid f-cking idiots who can't read an address...
That just pissed me the F-ck off...
F-ck the police.. Hope I get a chance to blow ones head off for that guy and his daughter...
Come get some Pigs...Ratttaaa, Taaattt, Taaaattt

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Hey Trey, do you know which case I'm talking about? I cannot recall the man's name. I read about it online. It sounds like you are familiar with the case. Absolutely outrageous. The man had a gun, via perfectly legal means in Alabama, someone banged, kicked at his door, his windows, he got really scared, living in a bad neighborhood with a lot of racists (including the cops) and went to the baby's bedroom, covered her, had his gun, and the cops burst in, as though it were Osama B Laden himself they were after. He did what ANY parent would have done: defended his child and himself from the attacker. The case IS being appealed by an attorney who was fired as the public defender in this particular county. It's heartbreaking. Really.

So is the story of Daryl Hunt.

Damn, if I were black in this country, I bet my blood pressure would be higher than it is. Just walking into any store, just EXISTING, is hard.

I don't think I would agree with you on the "kill the pigs" or "would love to kill one in retaliation" sort of response you gave. Granted, I feel your anger and totally empathize. But violence is almost always wrong and almost guaranteed to make things worse.

Google Daryl Hunt.

And to the person who said, essentially, that snitches are not such a big deal, think again. And again.


Well-Known Member
The electric bill wont be that much unless you put in a huge amount. Example: the bill only goes up: 1000 watt bulb uses 1 kw/hr x 12 hrs/day x 30 days/mo x $.046/kwh=$16.56 added for each 1000 watt lamp. Unless you are growing huge, the monthly bump is no problem..
.046 wow thats real low
I'm in Texas and pay .14 now. Its going up

1 kw/hr x 12 hrs/day x 30 days/mo x $.14/kwh=$50.40


Well-Known Member
Pirate, I do acknowledge that you have made some relevant points; however, I don't think you've read both of my posts on this thread. With my teen living with me, NO WAY will I do it. And I have made that decision not only because of legal ramifications, but because of the emotional damage that could be done to him were he "in on it" and basically be forced to become my accomplice. In other words, although I have no ethical problems with marijuana (for responsible ADULT use) and I find nothing ethically wrong with growing, either for personal or commercial use, a teenager in the mix, even if one thinks that kid does not know, is huge blunder--in every damned way: ethically, legally, emotionally. I feel a tremendous amount of ethical responsibility because I am a parent.

ALso, I need to retract something. I found out I was wrong about my state's laws regarding schools, daycares, etc. It's much less than 1000 feet, so even if I do undertake this, that's not a concern of mine. I'd advise anyone else to check that for their own state. And according to Dan on this thread, in some states, even bus stops are included in this. Churches too.

Regarding the friend who grows, she had me a house guest (which is a yearly thing), and there really was no way to hide it from me. And there was no reason for her to fear me knowing. I don't care. I applaud her for it. She thought, or somehow inferred, that I had mentioned it to another very close friend and got really upset. I had not let that info slip, but even if I had, this other friend is not a threat at all. Just not. These are women I've known for over twenty years, one a nurse, the other a social worker. I know, I know, I know . . . no one who does not have to know should not know, but in this case, the second friend is no threat at all. Disclaimer: By making that statement, I am not saying that it's fine to blab to anyone you think is a friend. I just trust both of these women implicitly and know that the second one was no threat to the other. BUT I DO GET IT: Don't tell if they don't need to know. Yes. And one more time, I did not let the info slip. I wasn't even thinking: "Don't let R know about A's grow! Just be cool." It never occurred to me. One grows. One doesn't. And I happen to know them both. Was not a big deal to me at all, IOW, I was not waiting with impatience to tell B, Oh, wow, you gotta hear this! Nah, we had other things to chat about.

More troubling, in my opinion, are those who think it's just peachy to let teens in on the grow. I'll come right out here and be judgmental: those are not good parenting actions. I don't care how much you trust your children, how "cool" you think you or your children are, people who do that are NOT cool. Just because one enjoys imbibing in marijuana does not make one cool. Cool is demonstrated by other things. Being a cool parent means being the best parent one can be, whether one smokes or not. And involving children in this "hobby" is NOT like involving them in growing tomatoes, for the simple reason that it is still illegal. It makes no difference for this argument WHY it is illegal or whether or not one agrees with it. The fact is, it is illegal; involving kids in it is decidedly UNCOOL.

About the twenty-one-year-old who found the grow room: why was there no lock on the office/ guest room? If you don't want guests in your home to know, put a lock on the door, and take the other precautions (odor control, etc). That was an easily avoided blunder. Bummer, though.

Leilani, Yes I did read your post, and sorry if I wasn't clear, looking back I guess I wasn't. I agree wholeheartedly with you on the issue of teens (kids) being "in on the grow", or "in the know" for that matter. My kid knows I smoke, and even tho he lives on his own, he came home one day while I was at work. He went into what USED to be my office to get online. (as he would haveMy wife told him repeatedly not to go in there, yet he did. I trashed that grow in front of him and convinced him that I now couldn't grow, since someone else knew. I DO have a problem with having kids in on the fact that we do smoke pot. While I certainly aint the "moral police", I believe that it only creates confusion, (they hear on all fronts that marijuana is BAD, and yet Mom & Pop smoke it?) and puts everyone at jeopardy. Never mind growing, just having smoke in the home could subject you and the kids to forced separation by HRS. It aint worth it. I never smoked in the house, nor did I keep any in the home while the kids were living there. I work from home, and I have a shop on the property. (with it's own elec. meter) I kept anything the kids werent supposed to be exposed to in there. Now that the kids are gone, it's MY house.
I do not lock the room door, since we do not entertain much. when we do, I close the door. It's in an area of the house that no one has any business being. Anyone in my home is almost always someone I know, and respects boundaries. I rarely let someone I don't know in the house. There are 2 bathrooms accessible from the living room without going to the back of the house. Absolutely NO reason anyone should be in that part of the house.
As for my being "nonchalant" about snitches, they are a huge problem. In my day, they were beaten into oblivion, or killed. Which is as it should be. But if you ask any attorney, bith prosecution and defense, they'll all tell you that almost all snitches can be discredited in the eyes of a jury.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Again, I agree wholeheartedly with you.


Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Hey, TLP, I think we're on the same page, after all. Internet miscommunication--let's chalk it up to that, huh?

Regarding your grow-up and your twenty-one-year old? Well, it sucks, yeah. I am going to have to disagree with you, at least a bit, though. You said no one has a reason to be in that part of the house, etc, etc, right? But then again, it did happen, right? So locks are a very good idea, whether one thinks someone from outside the "circle of trust" (Meet The Fockers?? LOL) will ever have reason to be in that part of the house or not.

I'm not chastising you and I hope it does not sound like that. Mostly, I think it's a real drag that it happened. And even though your twenty-one-year-old is a legal adult, still, this sounds like it had or has the potential to cause friction in the relationship.

I disagreed with my parents on many things, but my parents were such open minded people, in most respects, that we were able to debate, chat, discuss contentious issues on which we disagreed. It's too bad that your "child" cannot sit down at the table of reason with you, so to speak. With my parents, it was the abortion issue that came up time and again. I am definitely a feminist and pro-choice, and both of my parents anti-choice (I refuse to call this stance pro-life, because it's provocative, to say the least). Both of my parents were able to have decent and intellectual conversations with me about this topic, and although we never convinced each other or swayed each others' opinions, we had fantastic and enlightening conversations.

Gratuitous, unnecessary addition to this thread:

When my oldest child was a teen, we lived in a condo with an adjacent, but privately enclosed porch from our neighbors. Imagine my chagrin one evening when my professional, married, decent citizen neighbors came home from work one evening, sat down on the porch to smoke one and have a chit chat about their day, and my teen asked me if that was pot she smelled. That was the moment I had to explain my views on this topic: not legal, but not a good reason for its illegality; and that some people come home from work and have a martini or two before dinner, while others smoke a joint. It did put me in an awkward position, but I do have a line of "hypocrisy" that I am not going to cross. It opened the door to a very good conversation about ethics, morals, hypocrisy, and so on.

I'm bummed for you that your "adult" child can't respect your lifestyle and views. Maybe that will change in time.


Active Member
Sorry to interrupt a debate...Im not a computer genius or anything but isnt there signature each cpu has that they can track? if so how can that be changed?

Also is it possible to find the laws of my state online?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to interrupt a debate...Im not a computer genius or anything but isnt there signature each cpu has that they can track? if so how can that be changed?

if you're already paranoid, don't read this, there's nothing to worry about. the technology is out there, but the police and governments don't have the time or money to spend using it to track us down. just don't get careless, and don't give them a reason to suspect you, and you'll be fine.

your activity on a website can be tracked by your ip address if they really wanted to. that can narrow down to a location by contacting the internet provider of that ip. if they can track down the mac address that ip is assigned to, they can narrow it down to the computer. I don't think this is anything to worry about. the host of the website would first have to give out the ip address, and the government just doesn't have the resources to track down everyone to posts a picture or asks a question. they can sometimes track little tags inside jpg picture files, and there is software they have that can even match up a picture with an exact camera or printer by the "invisible noise" in the photo.

the metadata in jpg files can easily be cleared, just search around a little bit for it, there are threads about it. if you use dialup to connect to the internet, your ip address changes every time you dial out and connect to the internet. cable and dsl modems usually hold the same ip address for many months at a time. mac addresses can be faked if you're an advanced computer user, but there's really no point to doing it. one way to stay anonymous is to use something called a public proxy. when you go on a website using a proxy, you basically have a 3rd party company go grab the web page for you then send it to you, so you have no direct connection to that web site. this works, but it's a pain and usually slow.


Active Member
thanks lorenzo. i knew it was something like that but i was just throwing that out there. im not too worried about them trying to track me down for my hobby which is miniscule in scale. if they did id move to canada too...


Active Member
I live in Texas...I got seeds from Holland delivered to my door.

THE KEY: as mentioned in this thread..."Keep you mouth shut" and use common sense.

Authorities are not driving around looking for bright lights in the window and Helo's flying around looking for hot spots on FLIR...they want the big gorilla growers.


Active Member
I have a few friends thatst were bued cause their own girlfriends turned them in. No kidding. Blackmail could be a sweet sweet revenge so the best thing is, keep the mouth shut, even to the girl/boyfriends

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
thanks lorenzo. i knew it was something like that but i was just throwing that out there. im not too worried about them trying to track me down for my hobby which is miniscule in scale. if they did id move to canada too...
First of all, your signature is hilarious! I actually read that and for the first half of the sentence thought you were serious. :dunce: Witty! Thanks for the chuckle. (I had a very upsetting, weeks-long email experience with someone I later found out had an ambien/cheap canned beer addiction going. I googled that, and wow, ambien scares me. No thanks, Unisom would suit my purposes better.)

Funny, original signature.

Also, check out something called the TOR Network. Google that. I read about that here.

Hey, other poster, two posts up from this, what is this about macs? Do tell more, please, or better yet, if you can and do not mind, send a link? Thank you.

Also, AOL IP addresses change continuously. But there are other things other than the IP address than can be traced.

Check out the TOR Network for more info.


Well-Known Member
The electric bill wont be that much unless you put in a huge amount. Example: the bill only goes up: 1000 watt bulb uses 1 kw/hr x 12 hrs/day x 30 days/mo x $.046/kwh=$16.56 added for each 1000 watt lamp. Unless you are growing huge, the monthly bump is no problem.

As far is IR, your IR signiture is very easy to hide unless again, you have a huge grow, and even then Ive never heard of police ramdomly looking for it. But if your outside walls are not warm, or your not venting lots of hot air, then the IR cameras wont pick up anything. They only pick up heat. And there are many ways to keep heat off your outside walls. Vent in and inside room, out through the dryer vent, out the sewer pipe, up the hot water tank exhaust, and so on.

Good luck
You watched never get busted again or your just one smart dude. either way some good info :bigjoint: say what you will about Barry cooper guy has some good info and knows Leo's in and outs because he used to be one.