i'm gonna stop being so nice to republicans. no longer will i offer them a rag to wipe the blood off their faces after i beat the shit out of them, and that's because kervork is such a whiny crying little bitch.
"biden cheated! it's not FAIR!"
what a stupid cuck
View attachment 4827106
Please cite historical records supporting existence of coups by unarmed people who after invading
government facilities took selfies and then left.
At least we can determine it wasn't done by Antifa since ACAB isn't spay painted everywhere and it
wasn't set on fire.
Make up your mind Buck... first it's wah wah wah Trump supporters staged a coup and are gonna kill
all us homos, then it's wah, wah, wah, you're not starting an insurrection pussy.
Anyway, I don't need to do anything cause Dotard Biden will trigger the Biden Boogaloo and we will all
wish Trump was still in office by the time it's done.
They aren't misbehavin not now, lol.More threats of violence by the 'peace loving' left.
Self defense !More threats of violence by the 'peace loving' left.
The guy on the left lives near me"aint misbehavin"
View attachment 4827128
The cigarette fits in perfectly with those walking anachronisms.
View attachment 4827106
Please cite historical records supporting existence of coups by unarmed people who after invading
government facilities took selfies and then left.
At least we can determine it wasn't done by Antifa since ACAB isn't spay painted everywhere and it
wasn't set on fire.
Make up your mind Buck... first it's wah wah wah Trump supporters staged a coup and are gonna kill
all us homos, then it's wah, wah, wah, you're not starting an insurrection pussy.
Anyway, I don't need to do anything cause Dotard Biden will trigger the Biden Boogaloo and we will all
wish Trump was still in office by the time it's done.
Cause only the right wingers show up with guns right? Oh wait.... everyone been showing up with guns.
And they all gonna be happy as hell when Biden tries to take their AK-15 away.
View attachment 4827151
When it comes to shit feeding you've been sucking turds from the impeached pig's ass, goat's asses and who TF knows what else. So ya your cred is legit.Biden runs against reincarnation of Hitler, worst president in the history of the known multiverse and wins in landslide 6% victory. One must wonder if Biden would have won if they actually let him out of the basement to campaign. Anyway, the term "Better Candidate" in the context of Trump vs Biden is about the same as saying better tasting feces. It has little meaning to the person forced to eat the shit.
so which cities got destroyed? name them, cuck
When it comes to shit feeding you've been sucking turds from the impeached pig's ass, goat's asses and who TF knows what else. So ya your cred is legit.
Yep.. it does appear that most people who disagree with me have the minds of 10 year olds. Post a picture, call names.. This is what happens when you pay teachers less than double the minimum wage for two generations straight.
View attachment 4827353
Lets start with Mineappolis/St Paul.
A deeper look at areas most damaged by rioting, looting in Minneapolis, St. Paul
Twin Cities restaurants and retail stores were hit the hardest in the rioting following George Floyd's killing.www.startribune.com
"In the first few days after George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police, rioters tore through dense stretches of Minneapolis, St. Paul and other metro communities in retaliation, causing millions in property damage to more than 1,500 locations."
"In their wake, vandals left a trail of smashed doors and windows, covered hundreds of boarded-up businesses with graffiti and set fire to nearly 150 buildings, with dozens burned to the ground. Pharmacies, groceries, liquor stores, tobacco shops and cell phone stores were ransacked, losing thousands of dollars in stolen merchandise. Many were looted repeatedly over consecutive nights."
There is a list of buldings and damage type/amount at the bottom of the page.
But none of this matters to the left because it's just other people's things. If you have been wronged the obvious solution is to randomly destroy the businesses and properties of people that had nothing to do with it cause, uh, systemic racism. Since all things are racist, like magic, you now have carte blanche to destroy anything you want.
Would you feel that way if I destroyed your marijuana plants? Seems property rights are bullshit until it's your property being destroyed.
Who pays for this? Well the evil insurance companies of course. No problem. Wrong. The insurance companies don't loose money, they just up their rates and now everyone pays for it. Higher premiums, higher product prices, higher rents.
But, hey, lets focus on the guy who stole Nancy Pelosi's podium. That must have been worth millions.
View attachment 4827374
Nevermind, they found it in the room next door.
I will admit one thing I was wrong on. I claimed that the police officer who died was beaten with a fire extinguisher.
Turns out the autopsy shows no blunt force trauma. He collapsed some time shortly after the event.
The Times Corrects the Record on Officer Sicknick’s Death, Sort Of | National Review
Though the question remains unanswered: What really happened to him?www.nationalreview.com
So.. we have one confirmed violent death remaining which was one of the protesters shot by police.
Of the 150 officers injured, 15 went to the hospital. It is common where I am to send an officer to the hospital if
they are injured out of caution and so medical personnel can document the injuries. But hey, lets use the 150
Officers injured because they need our sympathy right? Gotta drum up support for the police. Wait... a second,
I'm getting confused whether it's fuck the cops or those poor cops were attacked by Trump supporters.
Gotta change that chant to...
Fuck the police, fuck the police... unless they are attacked by Trump Supporters then we love them!!
Fuck the police, fuck the police... unless they are attacked by Trump Supporters then we love them!!
Fuck the police, fuck the police... unless they are attacked by Trump Supporters then we love them!!
Why would Putin want to kill Democracy?
For Kremlin allies, it was a net benefit for President Vladimir Putin, who has championed stability and prosperity for Russians -- and continuity for himself as Russia’s preeminent leader.
Ignor all the hacking.
If you can't come up with a cogent counter argument, no problem. Just say Russia, Russia, Russia and Vladimir appear and distract everyone for you.