battery acid.And where do you get seeds from?
Can't believe I'm just seeing this! Hahaha Fucking hilarious!!!!! Thank you
but if u listen to govt weed is a gateway to is a weed site not a a meth site
Meth was my gateway to weed...but if u listen to govt weed is a gateway to meth
i understand reallyMeth was my gateway to weed...
Damn, My mind was just blown...
my friend sent me a message saying to google acacia berlandieri, so I do the ol wikipedia number. (great source huh)
HOLY SHIT, the plant according to wiki contains trace amounts of five amphetamines previously believed to be human inventions:
amphetamine, methamphetamine, N,N-dimethylamphetamine, p-hydroxyamphetamine and p-methoxyamphetamine.
No... see my post, like 2 posts back... you can buy seeds for a "meth" plantMeth seeds are crushed and sold as a white granulated powder that looks like nitrogen fert and smells like sulfuric acid. there is no way to grow that plant as it is guarded by the "Drug Lord" or the "Drug God".
thres nothing like breaking a peice off of a cloudy shard and hearing the glash tinkling sound as it goes down the neck into the bowl. then watching then putting the lighter to it and watch it turn into a golden puddle then watching it crack back into a clear golden glassy smear which all the lines run the same way not checkered or you got the bad shit. then blowing a fat dense cloud that stays together as it falls all the way to your feet...... to bad those days are way behind me now lol
No... see my post, like 2 posts back... you can buy seeds for a "meth" plant
its not technically called a meth plant(obviously),its called acacia berlandieri[![]()
dude there was this elementary school i went to when i was a kid and they had a shit load of them "acacia" trees i wonder if they will get you high......No... see my post, like 2 posts back... you can buy seeds for a "meth" plant
its not technically called a meth plant(obviously),its called acacia berlandieri[![]()