how hard is it to get a decent fan.


Well-Known Member
Alright my fans i admit i budgeted on in the past but im tired of it. I dont understand how something as simple as a fan are all made like complete shit. How is it that you spend $25 on a small 6inch oscillating clamp fan just for it to shit the bed and seize up in a month or two. The next option is to get those stupid smart fans which if you get you need every other product to use it as intended like a damn Apple MacBook or something.

My question to you fine people. Is there a SIMPLE FAN that is USA made that is clamp and does not need to be configured for a smart controller. I'm fed up with these fans. I've spent $100s over the years on them and want one that is made to last if you have suggestions. Preferably not plastic. My budget is as big as the hole in my wallet from all these turd purchases so shoot your suggestions.
Thinking same, besides ph meters fans always wear out. 2 small tents and wore out almost 10 fans in 2 years growing under HPS needing immense airflow. Now I use LED's and it's peaceful, environmental controls are loudest!
I have gone through ac Infinity fans this past year. Out of 4, only one still oscillates and that one I have kept in level orientation. I took the motor apart on one. Cheap soft nylon gears mean if you mishandle or bump it in operation, it's likely to break or deform a gear tooth then you get the dreaded clicking and jerking motion or it stops altogether. I kept the last one level because I suspect that gravity produces less strain on the mechanism in that position.

Currently running a couple vivosun oscillators and so far they are outlasting the aci fans. Very smooth action too. And 10 dollars cheaper.

None of these fans require a controller to operate.
Bet all metal old ones could be found at flea markets, garage sales, etc.
Might be heavy and old but bet they would last a heck of a lot longer than these plastic geared toys...

Yeah thats exactly what I was hoping to find. Something industrial like but still small and practical.
Yeah thats exactly what I was hoping to find. Something industrial like but still small and practical.
Aircare Humidifier fan is the fan you see *on ceiling* in Veg pic. Not hard to take apart and hang but some of those fan's vortex goes sideways instead of forward (Like mine but it works at pushing heat down either way. With LED you need to assure leaf temperature is up so pushing heat down is optimal.
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Oscillating tower fan ftw, just gotta make sure it stays level/plumb if you use the oscillate function.

I've had decent luck with the cheap non-oscillating clip fans from the hardware store. I wouldn't trust an oscillating clip fan, though...too easy to clip onto something not perfectly plumb, which is gonna ruin the oscillating motor.
Oscillating fans...
Day 1 remove grill and bin it then cut the back grill off with a stanley knife.

The weight of the grill has to be carried/moved with pishy plastic gears so it's beneficial to remove it.
The flow of air almost doubles because there's less resistance to air and the fan itself isn't carrying the weight so it turns faster it's a win win.