How hard is it to find russets or broad mites with a 60x scope?


Well-Known Member
Like the title says how hard is it to find russets or broad mites on leaves with a 60x scope. The scope is 60x and I can zoom in further with my phone.
At least 60x for identification, more would be easier.

You can kind of see them with good naked eyes under bright light but you'll need a scope to identify.
Agree, they are super tiny, but they can be seen with the naked eye if you have good eye sight so should be no problem with a 60X scope for identification like SPLfreak808 mentions. I noticed they liked to go on the tips of leaves on the top nodes when I had em yrs ago. By the time I saw them though I was already infested. Looked like little specks of cinnamon in contrast to the green plant material.
Agree, they are super tiny, but they can be seen with the naked eye if you have good eye sight so should be no problem with a 60X scope for identification like SPLfreak808 mentions. I noticed they liked to go on the tips of leaves on the top nodes when I had em yrs ago. By the time I saw them though I was already infested. Looked like little specks of cinnamon in contrast to the green plant material.
That sounds like when I first found them at my last spot on a clone I took in. I have been scoping and scoping and can not find them. But last time I saw them with my eyes on the tops of the plant. I have been spraying for months with lost coast plant therapy and more recently neem just in case. I haven't ever seen a bug in the new spot but I keep looking as I do have some of the tacoing. Now when I was scoping I found what I thought might be one but I mean im at 60x scope then 4 x zoom on phone and cant see legs or anything. I can see hairs on the plant and they look big compared to anything I'm seeing. Maybe it's eggs or something. But shouldn't I be able to find bugs fairly easy if they are there?
Im in the same spot you are right now... I been using sulfur to clear out my veg plants and my new flowering plants hasn't shown any russets yet.. but I do have leafs tacoing.
When I first got russets from a friends clone, I didn't see any until like week 7-8.. And then I checked on week 8 and there was A LOT! I mean you'll see them when you zoom in and they're fairly slow crawlers. I haven't seen shit on my new flowering plants that I cloned myself.. I'm still checking everyday until they pop up... I hope they don't. Anyways I recommend stop growing for a month and start spraying with sulfur when you start back up in the veg tent.. and like 2 weeks max spray in flower.

I also thought I kept seeing eggs EVERYWHERE.. but I kept doing research and they're sessile trichromes.
Those pictures u posted is all i have seen so far, they look just like that. I can not shut down for a month. I just built out this building and I'm at 30k and climbing on expenses to get it done. I quit my job and moved states away to do this. I will continue to spray them until buds show up and hopefully that will let me get this run in. I'm headed back out now to scope some more but I haven't found anything alive since I was at the other spot states away and that was back in December.

My veg room is pretty much empty atm, well I had some males I was thinking of keeping but I'll clean out that room what is the best way to clean the room when it's empty to make sure they aren't any there. My clones and mothers are at a different spot and won't be moved to veg room til after I figure that out.
Like the title says how hard is it to find russets or broad mites on leaves with a 60x scope. The scope is 60x and I can zoom in further with my phone.
Ok the easiest way to diagnose mites is to put a clean white piece of paper underneath a branch and shake it a bit. Some will inevitably fall off onto the paper. Wipe the side of your palm across the paper and if you see small blood streaks you have your answer.

Only in veg. Preferably on moms then cut clones n root.
How long does the residue last, like tommorow is day 3 from flip would it still be on the plant in a couple weeks when buds develope if I could find some I'd buy it and try it if it's not too late. But I'm kinda always nervous about bugs and haven't found any but these are so small I'm not sure I could see em very well, I don't know. I have lost coast plant therapy and know it's safe to spray. It says all thru flower but I don't wanna spray once buds are present.
That sounds like when I first found them at my last spot on a clone I took in. I have been scoping and scoping and can not find them. But last time I saw them with my eyes on the tops of the plant. I have been spraying for months with lost coast plant therapy and more recently neem just in case. I haven't ever seen a bug in the new spot but I keep looking as I do have some of the tacoing. Now when I was scoping I found what I thought might be one but I mean im at 60x scope then 4 x zoom on phone and cant see legs or anything. I can see hairs on the plant and they look big compared to anything I'm seeing. Maybe it's eggs or something. But shouldn't I be able to find bugs fairly easy if they are there?

how is lost coast therapy? does it work and can you use in flower without affecting bud taste
I've seen a lot of people claim that it does work well. I've been spraying and can't find bugs but honestly never have yet in this spot but for some reason still half convinced they are here cause if some plant issues. They also claim you can spray right thru harvest yet I see a residue after heavy spraying on the leaves so wouldn't wanna spray with buds present unless last resort.
How long does the residue last, like tommorow is day 3 from flip would it still be on the plant in a couple weeks when buds develope if I could find some I'd buy it and try it if it's not too late. But I'm kinda always nervous about bugs and haven't found any but these are so small I'm not sure I could see em very well, I don't know. I have lost coast plant therapy and know it's safe to spray. It says all thru flower but I don't wanna spray once buds are present.
I would not risk it