How Good Is The Oder Sok?

I think they call it a "passive" air system...not sure.....why would you need intake fans if your exhausting air?
the odorsox works,it is light weight and two months in all is well,im told after three months wash it and use it for three more.i believe in it,my buddy got it because he didnt have enough for the cannister,he had not heard any one talk of them but the owner of the store said it is being replaced by people out east,some habits die hard.all i can say it works great.
I dont know if this has been brought up before but you do realise that most of the extraction fans you have for over the cooker now have carbon filters on them ,i have two big computer fans in the side of my shed with a carbon filters over each of them and it works a treat and its very quiet but probably only good for smaller areas mine is a 6'x8' x7' shed if that helps.
cheers Bifter :joint:
well i got my odor sok and im installing it tomorrow will see how good they are my plant a really stinky and there still in veg state i will post some pic of the instillation
Does the ororsok work for you, I had a huge metal wedge shaped thing that weighed about 75 lbs and it didnt work very good at all. I'm desperate to find a replacement.
Does the ororsok work for you, I had a huge metal wedge shaped thing that weighed about 75 lbs and it didnt work very good at all. I'm desperate to find a replacement.

sorry man i have not had time to put it up to many visitors i will put it up soon right now its raining so the smell has ben filtered my the rain i was told that you have to keep your humidity down but the box says it will work at 99% humidity so i dont know how true that is they problibly say anything to sell somthing but i can tell you that a freind of mine got one and it works for him but his plants dont smell like mine dose i will let you know how well it works dioji:mrgreen: