Man back in the days of old Naxx lvl took the best guilds in the world over 4 months to clear it...only 264 guild cleared all of naxx before TBC thats 7 months of hardcore raiding...The only reason WoW has exploded in the number of ppl is cuz they have made it into such a game where "casuals" can perrty much get the best gears in the game...Wrath came out ppl where up to 80 and everything cleared in 3 days

/golf clap(fucking bizz)...and for the newb's wow there's a ton of em...everything on the internets works the same 'when everyone rush's in there's bound to be a bit of dirt tracked in'...just my two sence
60 Pally Busch- Kael'thas
Full tier 3, yes the ring too.