How frequently do/can you trip?


Well-Known Member
I'm way too young to have been a member of the brotherhood but I know a fair amount about the brotherhood and the history of LSD.


Well-Known Member
A general rule of the thumb a lot of trippers use is to keep it to one trip a month, mainly to hang on to their sanity (keep in mind, all people are different).
As for tolerance, about a week or two should get your tolerance levels back to normal (depends what substance you're using, and again, your genetic make up).


Well-Known Member

  • One big exception is these fancy new x-NBOMe you kids have nowadays. They are pretty exotic in the way they hammer certain key receptors producing classic psychedelic effects with doses almost as low as LSD with less confusion or "mind fuck" than the classic psychedelics. Because they hit those receptors extraordinarily hard they cause tolerance like no one's seen before. If you take one blotter and decide two hours later to take a second blotter, the tolerance from the first blotter will reduce the effect of the second blotter to almost nothing. Consensus is that you should wait two weeks before taking an NBOMe again.​

Thats the truth Ive noticed too. I took two 400ug blotters of 25i nBOME one night, then the next night took 5 hits of lsd which was coincidentally the most Ive ever taken. Normally 2 hits of lsd is pretty intense.. These did nothing. They worked, had I had no tolerance I wouldnt been off the walls. A buddy of mine ate 2 that night with no tolerance what so ever and he could hardly talk.. The night before I didn't trip too hard either for some reason... It was a bad setting though that night


Well-Known Member
Screw it. I'm doing 5g of Alcabenzis on friday. One month left before I go back to college. Then I'll end up stopping for a month or so. Along with the weed. Oh well.