how fast can i bud?


Active Member
I just started my first grow.. and money isnt working out too well for me so i have to move back into my parents at the end of June. is there any way possible i could harvest before then? even if the plant isnt as big as i want it to be? (i have 2 seeds planted... i just saw my first sprout this morning and its probably about half an inch to an inch tall now)


the fastest ive heard budding take is 42 days and thats with certain strains


Active Member
so i switch from 18/6 to 12/12 now? or wait until it gets a little bigger? also... budding willl take 40 ish days from the 12/12 switch?


Well-Known Member
So is that a fact.... the "countdown" of days that most people give is relative to the first day flowers are seen? Not from the 12/12 light cycle.


Well-Known Member
pepper 12/12/now also go to the grow indoor forum and check out the thread 12/12/ from seed club and talk to randyrocket


New Member
So is that a fact.... the "countdown" of days that most people give is relative to the first day flowers are seen? Not from the 12/12 light cycle.
yes you are right.
the plant is only flowering when the first flowers appear regardless of photoperiod(18/6 or 12/12).


Active Member
well i guess ill just put some of the bloom booster in the mix and switch to the 12/12 and hope that one is male and one is female so i can have some seeds for when i move back out of my parents. speaking of which... do the seeds HAVE to be put in the dirt soon... or can they wait til october?