how far till harvest?


Active Member
Its that Bud fever.
On your first few grows its hard not to catch it.
Symptoms may include: Smaller final yield, racy high, red eyes, munchies and cotton mouth.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
moh...we wish we had the magic answer but we don't....but honestly, picking off buds now is bad bad bad.....and don't listen to those telling you to harvest now, as they are NOT READY yet.


Active Member
You can find a "yes man" anywhere if you look hard enough moh, you don't have any connections to blaze at all or they just tantalizing you, lol. =P


New Member
LOL Yeah you can always take a few of the small buds that wont ammount to be much, dry them out and smoke them.
I on ocation take a few off to sample.
I stick them in flolded up paper and place it on my ballasts or reflector. (just don't forget about it, its a fire hazard)
Its usually dry in half a day or so.
It wont taste the best and it will be harsh but it will give you a idea of the potency.

So in an ironic twist of fate, the bud ends up smoking the house.


Well-Known Member
ok ok i will wait im not sure for how long they look yummy and the melon smell is everywhere
you guys sure this plants are not releasing sleep gas because since i flipped them to 12/12 i flipped to 12/12 myself :razz: