How far is the smell going to reach


Active Member
Im trying to do a guerilla grow and I'm wondering how far the smell will travel (20 plants 10 aurora indica 5 ak48 and 5 durban poision) im about 500 yards off of any trail and the closest trail is a trail that isnt traveled often (this is the best spot i can get where i live so i can check on them regularly) when they're flowering is the smell going to reach the trail there is mainly pine trees and other small trees densely populated inbetween the spot and the trail. and im wondering if i should go deeper in the woods and sacrafice some light (where i am now it will get about 6 hours of direct sunlight) or if im far enough off the trail that it would be better to have it get as much light as possible..................there is also a lot of dense shrubs to get to the paticular spot so im thinking only a cop or a big pot head will go deep in to try and find it ..............i was also thinking of planting 1 or 2 not all the way back so they willl find that 1 plant and jack it and be on there way any advice and comments will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
the smell is a dead gveaway, the skunk strains though can trick a lot people into thinking theres just skunks around, but yeah the stank travels for a long long way. a big reason a lot of spots get caught is some cop is hiking in the woods or some asshole is and they smell it, then they call the feds abiout it. then the dogs come and lead em right there, then they wait for you. beleive me the smell will travel. you need to go and find a spot that is far far farther than anyone will ever go. then when you find that spot go another mile in and plant there.....theresa a green team in every state thats job is just to find ganja grows, be careful

one place i used to grow was a rock crushing place where i live by. i found outcrops on the cliffs and my boy and me repelled down to the outcrop and roped 5 gallon buckets down and grew them there. the climb a tree and wedge the bucket in it method works well. the number one reasion peoples gorrilla grows get caught is that marijuana is a very noticable plant from a helicopter. the tops look round and unlike any other plant and also part of the reason is that people till their spots and shit...when they fly by which they absolutly will (because if you thought of that place then the green team has too) they will notice a bunch of plants neatly lined up and grow in patches, i would advise growing em next to ferns and shit like that. also stagger em, dont bunch em up...dont plant in strait lines. when id grow outside i always planted three different spots of 50 plants. that way when some dickhead found em or an animal ate some or the feds found a spot id have the backup not waste the time growing 1 or 2 plants outside...because so much shit can happen outside broken plants and animals and shit that the chances of you planting 2 and ending up with 2 girls alone is very slim, you dont want to put in so much effort to have em get diseased and die or break and die or an animal eats em. youll be bummed if that happens. and what happens if you grow 2 and they do awsome all the way to flower 4 months later when you find out they are both males....plant at least 20. if the problem is you cant afford seeds i could probably help ya out man. i had a plant i bred super skunk....and im really done growing the ss because i already grew 20 so im moving onto the strains.....good luck bro.



Active Member
not what i wanted to hear but what i needed to hear looks like im going to have to put on my hiking boots and go for a little walk with my dog


Active Member
so would you say I need to be atleast 2-3 miles away from where any sensible person would go.................also is it completely out of the question to use indoor smell alleviation techniques (like buy some ona gel and put a few open tubs around the grow area or is that a dumb idea)


Active Member
i just realized that just having the ona gel open would be dumb because the rain and shit would damage it but what about hanging them upside down with a ventilated top ?


Well-Known Member
i just realized that just having the ona gel open would be dumb because the rain and shit would damage it but what about hanging them upside down with a ventilated top ?
that would draw too much attention to your grow. say if somebody was walking by. the chances of them noticing they just walked by some marijuana plants would be greater if they seen the ona gel hanging like that. and not just that but in the sky aswell.


Active Member
if you plant just a few there scattered around you'll probably be straight, but plant the majority further in the woods.


Well-Known Member
absolutly bro. when you find a spot and you say wow this is the ultimate spot, i think ivr gone far enough, thats when you need to keep trekkin just a bit longer...dividing them into multiple spaces helps also. less of a groupto notice.
also when you go out there in the beggining, make sure eveything you will need to grow is up there hidden for you to use.
a shovel, gardening snips nutrients, tape for broken branches, plants take a beating outside, you should make sure there is a close by water supply for the plants because its way obvious when people see you lugging water into the woods it pretty obvious whats up. so if you hide a shovel, a big ol 5 galllon bucket or poland spring bottl hide it close to the grow but not at it, because itll be a dead givaway if someone walks by, water bottles will also be a dead givaway. make sure and i cant stress the importantness of this....make sure there is a water source close by. lug everything at first so you barely have to go there at all while they dont need to go up more than 2 times or 3 times every 2 weeks. the less of a trail you leave the better, they only need to be watered every 7 or so days, and if it rains not at all. but also youy will need some predator urine to keep dear and skunks animals love to eat the gunja so prepare for it...lion or wolf piss works awsome and you can get it at any outdoorsman store.


Active Member
So i was looking into the predator urine and I found this skunk um

obviously it wouldnt protect against deer and skunks but do you guys think it would help deter people or mask the smell if i use a lot between the trail and the plot i dont know how strong it would be but i know if i was wandering in the woods and smelled something horrible id probably turn the other way and wander in the other direction
let me know what u think


Active Member
I dunno man, seems to me it might make people a little more suspicious that something is up if they only smell it in that one area.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
So i was looking into the predator urine and I found this skunk um

obviously it wouldnt protect against deer and skunks but do you guys think it would help deter people or mask the smell if i use a lot between the trail and the plot i dont know how strong it would be but i know if i was wandering in the woods and smelled something horrible id probably turn the other way and wander in the other direction
let me know what u think
That might work if it's strong enough. They might look around and not see any plants in the general vicinity and think it's just a dead skunk.


Active Member
i was also thinking of putting it around the general trail area so they are like fuck this place lets walk a trail somewhere else it smells like fucking ass and u can suck a dick i aint walking this trail no mo (drunk and high now)


Well-Known Member
the smell is a dead gveaway, the skunk strains though can trick a lot people into thinking theres just skunks around, but yeah the stank travels for a long long way. a big reason a lot of spots get caught is some cop is hiking in the woods or some asshole is and they smell it, then they call the feds abiout it. then the dogs come and lead em right there, then they wait for you. beleive me the smell will travel. you need to go and find a spot that is far far farther than anyone will ever go. then when you find that spot go another mile in and plant there.....theresa a green team in every state thats job is just to find ganja grows, be careful

one place i used to grow was a rock crushing place where i live by. i found outcrops on the cliffs and my boy and me repelled down to the outcrop and roped 5 gallon buckets down and grew them there. the climb a tree and wedge the bucket in it method works well. the number one reasion peoples gorrilla grows get caught is that marijuana is a very noticable plant from a helicopter. the tops look round and unlike any other plant and also part of the reason is that people till their spots and shit...when they fly by which they absolutly will (because if you thought of that place then the green team has too) they will notice a bunch of plants neatly lined up and grow in patches, i would advise growing em next to ferns and shit like that. also stagger em, dont bunch em up...dont plant in strait lines. when id grow outside i always planted three different spots of 50 plants. that way when some dickhead found em or an animal ate some or the feds found a spot id have the backup not waste the time growing 1 or 2 plants outside...because so much shit can happen outside broken plants and animals and shit that the chances of you planting 2 and ending up with 2 girls alone is very slim, you dont want to put in so much effort to have em get diseased and die or break and die or an animal eats em. youll be bummed if that happens. and what happens if you grow 2 and they do awsome all the way to flower 4 months later when you find out they are both males....plant at least 20. if the problem is you cant afford seeds i could probably help ya out man. i had a plant i bred super skunk....and im really done growing the ss because i already grew 20 so im moving onto the strains.....good luck bro.

yeah but this guy isnt growing skunk, he is growing aurora indica, which isnt a very smelly plant, plsu ak48 and durban posion, not verry smelly strains.