How far into flowering am I?????


Active Member
they get around 7- 8 hours of direct sun a day and its so small cuz of animals eating it but i have a cage around it
oh yeah all the shade on the ground is cuz i forgot to cut down the wild crap growing that blocks the sun rising and the pics are from 945 this mornig


Active Member
I cleared out as much as I could today but I didn't have my shovel out there so I'll go finish clearing it out tomorrow and I already cleared out like 4 small trees that blocked mid day an after noon sun .... And damn lookin like November for me lol


Active Member
Damn I feared this day the guy is cutting his alfalfa field and my spot is like 30 feet from it but on my propertie and it's in a small patchy of woods that I cleared the center out.... And I found a bunch of small branches On a few trees that will give me another hour or two of light
you have the first signs of female plant with only 7-8 hours of light you better sit on your hands as long a you can because a plant can be covered in tric. and still not very good. its only when the two chem. in the tric. combine through photosy. THC IS PRODUCED


Well-Known Member
you have the first signs of female plant with only 7-8 hours of light you better sit on your hands as long a you can because a plant can be covered in tric. and still not very good. its only when the two chem. in the tric. combine through photosy. THC IS PRODUCED
HUH? (scratching head)