how far down can I top my mother


Active Member
I have height restrictions and my moms 3 foot tall. I had her trained into a arch and I over did it and went for the full circle (would have been cool) alas she snapped. Thats neither here nor there, I need to cut my girls down!!! I want to top her about a foot down but Im not sure if they can handle it. Anyone have any experience with this situation or an alternative idea?


Active Member
For the love of Christian Slater please help me!!! Ive got a pair of snips and some rubbing alchohol right next to me and I dont know how long I can hang on....Im weak!


New Member
yeh,not a problem,just keep it clean.You could also cut off the weak stems,and keep the strong healthy stems.


Active Member
thats the thing....ive already got mad clones goin from these mothers. They need to just sit put for a while and it will have to be in bush status. They are on the lights, gettin burnt and Im out of room.


Well-Known Member
i think so... but who cares! If she dies rotate a clone back into the mommy spot. in a few weeks she'll be making clones


Active Member
I like your moves...the dog story gives my a lot of confidence. Ok, im cuttin this bitch...thanks for the nudge.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome dude, and if it fucks her up just dont do it again, lesson learned, knowledge gained