600w / 1000 = 0.6 Kw/h
0.6 Kwh x 12 hrs = 7.2 Kwh per day
70 days in flower x 7.2 Kwh per day = 502 Kwh per flower run
380 grams dried / 502 Kw per flower run = 0.75 grams per watt
Do the same for your veg cycle and add it to the example flower cycle, and if you want to get really detailed, add in your fans, (de)humidifier(s), A/C, heat mats, pumps etc.
Just replace the examples above with your actual light wattage, days in flower and dried grams.
Don't know if this is how everyone does it, but it's how I calculate. It's actually gram per kilowatt, but that's not how people refer to it as