how early can you flower a plant???+ rep


Well-Known Member
isn't a plant mature when it starts alternating nodes? that what i look for.
You are correct. And by letting them get mature before flowering and begin to really branch and stagger. Thats when your yield really starts to go up. Its all about the budsites. (granted you have the other bases covered to tend them) its all about how much space, light ect. you have. That dictates alot about when it comes to veg time and when too flower.


Well-Known Member
Smokey is so very correct my friend. 12/12 from seed or not as an example will not flower until the plant is sexually mature. We just speed up the process when we force our plants to flower.
He only asked how early "CAN" you flower a plant, which means he most likely wants it done as soon as possible.

i am only stating that it can be done at almost any given time.

However, smokey says 3-4 weeks, which is incorrect because it can be done earlier. (all though not really recommended)