how early can i force flower too test sex?ReVeg?NE


Active Member
That's awesome thanks northern man.. Im new to this forum stuff. Im gonna figure out how to start my grow journal soon. I'll post pics as soon as I do. Check up on me, any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Well-Known Member
I agree 100% as far as topping, when your just topping and not trying to get a clone. I always top them at 5 nodes, in a few days you'll have two tops and wait a week and you can cut two clones, 1 for sexing, one for rooting and you'll then have 4 tops, win/win!

Topping only slows them down for a couple days and they come back with a vengence of growth because the hormone auxin activates growth in all the nodes below the cut.
okay question then i have blueberry and i want 4-6 tops i have 7 nodes. should i just fim 1 time or top and re-top the tops?


That's a great question. When you top and then retop each time you slow the plant down for a couple days but then it becomes clear it was well worth it. I'd say try to FIM it and in a worse case scenerio you can always top it the old way. I've had some great results from fimming but it doesn't always work out the same. What I mean is that if you do it perfect it will explode with growth, and if you don't do it perfect it will react very much the same as regular topping.

FIM stands for "Fuck, I Missed" and I've Missed when trying to FIM, don't know what you call that, Double Fimming? Or maybe IFMM "I Fucking Missed Missing!" LOL

Fimming at the exact right spot is easier said then done, try it , you can always just cut off a node below if it doesn't work out. Either way you'll have a bushy plant with multiple tops. When Fimming works perfect it will create several tops all from the one cut, when it doesn't work out as good you'll get a few tops which in a week or so you can try again on.

Don't stress out, have fun, you won't kill it or ruin it. Its only a matter of how much benefit you get, a few tops or a lot of tops. I've been Fimming ever since I read about it in an old high times. I'd already experienced the result but didn't know it was an actual technique with a name verses the accidental Fim which sometimes occurs when you use your thumb nail to pinch rather than sharp scissors.

Take some before pics and a pic of after you make the cut. Post the results for all to witness, entertain us man. I love experiments and everybody else will want to see what happens, be brave and go for it!


That's awesome thanks northern man.. Im new to this forum stuff. Im gonna figure out how to start my grow journal soon. I'll post pics as soon as I do. Check up on me, any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Happy to help, there are some great gardeners here and you can learn a ton from these guys. I speak from my personal experience of 25 years of growing. I mostly have grown indicas or indica crosses, Northern Lights was and remains one of my all time favorites, an "old school" version from 1990 back when she was dominating the contests. I think modern Northern Lights is watered down compared to my strain which I lost a few years ago. Its painful to talk about, that strain was family.

Anyways you have some great resources here, and depending on where you are and what your going to do you'll find someone who can guide you and save you from making mistakes and help you make good decisions to produce excellent bud. There are guys who are masters of the medical grows and guys who are masters of the guerrilla grows.

I'm a huge "fim or top, and bend" believer. If there's one thing I try to teach its the art of bending, just simply gently bending horizontal the top growing shoot which will make another branch try to become dominate and boost growth. This creates big thick shrubs instead of tall wispy plants. Just bending a plant can easily double the amount harvested, and that is being very conservative. Bending,thats my thing!

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5 Northern Lights clones started late in June. My buddy took a couple clones grew them his way and he grew just over an ounce each. He blamed it on the late start. I got between 6 to 8 ounces each and blamed it on BENDING! LOL


Well-Known Member
Happy to help, there are some great gardeners here and you can learn a ton from these guys. I speak from my personal experience of 25 years of growing. I mostly have grown indicas or indica crosses, Northern Lights was and remains one of my all time favorites, an "old school" version from 1990 back when she was dominating the contests. I think modern Northern Lights is watered down compared to my strain which I lost a few years ago. Its painful to talk about, that strain was family.

Anyways you have some great resources here, and depending on where you are and what your going to do you'll find someone who can guide you and save you from making mistakes and help you make good decisions to produce excellent bud. There are guys who are masters of the medical grows and guys who are masters of the guerrilla grows.

I'm a huge "fim or top, and bend" believer. If there's one thing I try to teach its the art of bending, just simply gently bending horizontal the top growing shoot which will make another branch try to become dominate and boost growth. This creates big thick shrubs instead of tall wispy plants. Just bending a plant can easily double the amount harvested, and that is being very conservative. Bending,thats my thing!

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5 Northern Lights clones started late in June. My buddy took a couple clones grew them his way and he grew just over an ounce each. He blamed it on the late start. I got between 6 to 8 ounces each and blamed it on BENDING! LOL
hey you can copy paste a pic or click reply then type 10 characters then you can attack a pic form computer. if you link sometimes it dont work. yeah i grew outdoors allot and cant anymore kids steal them. so learnidn all this fancy indoor stuff. ive learned tons. but ive never fim'ed or topped. ill fim them in 1 hr 4 plants let them grow then top them so i can make clones. cause they are going into flower in 10 days max. oh and i found the bc blueberry its still going. i want 1 male so i can take pollen from then make seeds so the strain doesnt die.


Bending and topping is absolutely a must when growing indoor. Lights only are able to penetrate a foot or so before losing their effectiveness. LST (Low Stress Training) or the Scrog method, or any method that keeps the canopy all the same height and takes advantage of every inch of light is a must for a productive harvest.

Thieves Suck! Lazy bastards should learn to grow their own. That's what will become the big problem with legalizing weed. People will be calling the cops regularly to tell Johnny Law that somebody cut a hole in their green house and stole their plants.

(Steps up onto soapbox, clears throat and begins ranting speech!) lol

People are going to need some form of security that will deter thieves. Dogs don't do it, they will just feed your dog hamburg with broken glass in it and kill your dog. I don't know what the answer is but a glowing green house is hard for scum bag thieves to pass up.

If people use firearms to protect their grows it will put a fast end to allowing people to grow for themselves.

Sooner or later it will be Big Tobacco that will lobby its way into controlling the Cannabis industry. With every reported theft, every act of violence, every OUI, every idiot who does something stupid involving pot, the scale tilts toward corporate dominance.

When we start seeing articles about isolated incidences about Marijuana being plastered in print and on the News, think of how many incidences involving Alcohol are ignored. If we treated Alcohol with the same scrutiny as Pot we would be legalizing Pot and starting Alcohol Prohibition all over again. The media are such hypocrites when trying to demonize weed again and scare people back into fearing Marijuana now that all the lies that have been told for the last 70 years have finally lost their effect.

Watch the Movie Reefer Madness now and its laughable that it was meant to be taken seriously and was taken seriously by the public who didn't know they were being lied to. The countries attitude has changed with a majority favoring legalization. Now Big Business and Big Tabacco will begin to make the case that they need to be in charge, that common everyday citizens shouldn't be allowed to produce Marijuana and they will use every idiot who draws the attention of the media to make the case. I'm afraid to say it will be over before it even begins.

The government will use Colorado and Washington to say we tried it there and it failed because... you fill in the blank.

I don't even care, I've been a criminal pot user/grower all my life, the black market will always exist because of their over regulating, and over pricing and taxing. I used to think if it was legal the price would drop to a fraction of the amount it was before but that's not the reality. Everybody wants to make money and if people were willing to pay X before they will be forced to pay X plus Y for a tax. Good news for us guerrilla farmers in states where its still 100% illegal. They will want to put us out of business but they are to stupid to do what it would take to kill the black market, so "a growin' we shall go!"

(steps down off soapbox) LOL


Well-Known Member
you are correct. and big business is already in it. Marlboro is making weed cigs for sale in Colorado and Washington lmao. should be out end of this year if they can get the crops done. how would you like to see there grow op. 5000 plants at each stage in hydro setup in a 20000 sq ft building. i would love that job lmao. grow my own with there's hehe.


Well-Known Member
you are correct. and big business is already in it. Marlboro is making weed cigs for sale in Colorado and Washington lmao. should be out end of this year if they can get the crops done. how would you like to see there grow op. 5000 plants at each stage in hydro setup in a 20000 sq ft building. i would love that job lmao. grow my own with there's hehe.
okay its a hoax but who knows.