How Early Can I Clone?

wheezy e

Hey guys, I have some photos of a Strawberry Cough, a Sage & Sour and a Thunderbud.

They're starting to get tall (after about two weeks from seedling), but I don't want to start cutting into them before they're ready, especially since this is my first attempt at cloning. I get the feeling that I should wait a few more weeks (when they're at least 7 inches or so), but I wanted to reach out to you guys to get your perspective.

Here's some photos, along with a 2 inch netpot in the photo for reference.


bird dog

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have some photos of a Strawberry Cough, a Sage & Sour and a Thunderbud.

They're starting to get tall (after about two weeks from seedling), but I don't want to start cutting into them before they're ready, especially since this is my first attempt at cloning. I get the feeling that I should wait a few more weeks (when they're at least 7 inches or so), but I wanted to reach out to you guys to get your perspective.

Here's some photos, along with a 2 inch netpot in the photo for reference.

Thoughts?View attachment 3151625
View attachment 3151626
they are looking great and are several weeks from pulling clones, as you already know. You might want to think about getting them into their actual grow container now, as they will be a bitch to transplant later. They will probably get some stress right now on the transplant from your solo cups. Some nice strains there! Peace


Well-Known Member
Clones I take have 4 plus nodes.
If those were my plants I would transplant and Veg 45-60 days or till they show sex.
I have clones that are 60 days old, they just started showing sex at 55 days.
I would consider them a very good source for strong clones at 55 days.

wheezy e

Thanks guys! I didn't want to cut too early, as they look pretty healthy--but i want to cut as early as possible to start cloning to place in my flowering chamber. As far as the solo cups, I've considered leaving them in there to become fairly root bound. I want these ladies to be the mothers, but because my space is SO LIMITED! (only 22 inches by 18 inches by ~22 inches), i thought that these cups might be the best bet to keep them fairly small, but big enough to clone and viably mother.

That said, I'm all ears if you have any other suggestions (particularly if you can think of a way i can keep them small on the cheap) to substitute those solo cups!

The ultimate goal is to take clones, drop them in a bubbler, then after a few weeks, place those rooted clones into hydroponic flowering chamber. I'm going for a modified hydroponic perpetual SOG, with the expectation that my plants wont grow too much taller than a foot and a half.

I have a modified DWC setup (~4 inches deep) that holds about 3/4 gallon of water. My first grow, a Lemon skunk automatic, seemed to do pretty well in it, I'm excited at the prospect of getting this dialed in. hydro seems to be easy to manage in flower/veg, but soil seems to be easier for me to germ (jiffy pellets) and get my seedlings growing and healthy. That's how I came to this modified hydro/soil setup. I busted my foot recently, so I'm laid up and will be checking this thread (and others) fairly frequently for the next few days, so any more advice from the RIU community is VERY appreciated!


Well-Known Member
you could cut them stem and get it in clone x and it would root,i have even took clones with out and bottom nodes and the rooted took a little longer 2 week but they rooted,i would only advice doing this if your cloneing to sex though if not clone about 4/5 week veg


Well-Known Member
I have found that I have better luck cloning clones than I do cloning plants that started as seedlings. As I use the larger 2-inch jiffy pellets I like my clones to be 4-6 inches tall when they go into the dome. You need a plant large enough to give up a 6-inch cutting. When cloning clones I've found that the mother plant should be 4+ weeks in dirt to give viable clones. I've had clones reach 18 inches in 3 weeks in dirt but the clones will still not root as the mom is not old enough. So it isn't just age or weeks in dirt that you use as a gauge. You want a mom large enough to produce a large cutting. Ideally, a cutting large enough to have a hole in the middle of the stem is best. The hole allows the cutting to siphon up water to the leaves while the roots develop. Good luck, BigSteve.

wheezy e

Many thanks, @tyke1973 . It sounds like i should wait another few weeks before even considering it.

@bigsteve I'll be dropping into rockwool, but i'm curious--what about the jiffy pellets made you decide to use it as your cloning medium? And what height do you suggest the mom be? This Strawberry Cough is supposed to be pretty lank, but i'm trying to keep it as short as possible, since I have such a small cab

When I clone, would you guys suggest taking one or two at a time, allowing the plant some time to get over the shock? or Once its large enough, would several cuttings be okay? I plan on spacing them apart by about 2 weeks per cut per plant so i can have a good perpetual grow happening.

Again, Many thanks to everyone. Your insight and wisdom is much appreciated on this thread and all of the ones I lurk on :)


Well-Known Member
when you first start cloneing,i would start of with smaller clones about 3/4 "look for a stem has has a couple of nodes you can take of the plant, but i have took clones of clones and done just fine i take them at around 7/8" now helps in the long run.

Once they have legs they look like little plants to start with,but if you do take them and there is no nodes just use a stanley blade clean one ,clean it with alcohol take it at a 45 dg angle,but don't worrie about that first cut if you are takeing more than one have a jug of water at hand just make sure stems are under water straight after the first cut.

get some clone x put the clones that have been in the water or straight of the plant if you are working with a couple into the clone x dont over do it with clone x,i have just took four with out clone x still root just not has fast,if you take clones with out nodes that have been cut of just peel back about 5 mm,before putting it in the clone x.the reason i say dont worrie about you first cut of the plant is i normaly take a few so i all ways make a fresh 45 dg cut before putting into clone x.

A good tip if these will be your first set of clones is have the full stem in the medium i use rock wool so ruf guess the stem you want it about 5 mm from the bottom of the cube,i only use a proagator for about 4/5 days i only mist twice a day for 2 days during first two days mist the inside of the proagator lid too,with the vents closed.

Then the other 2 days open the vents and mist once a day,the more you mist them the less they have to work to gain water intake through the leaves.after the 4/5 th day the lid comes of the propagator and i only mist say 3 times a week but don't let the cubes dry out you want them damp not wet through.

They will wilt for the first few days,but this is where most new cloners panic.don't just be patient they will straighten up after there first few days,then don't be in a rush for the roots to come through.Has long has there stood up and look ok they will root,it might take 7 days it might take 14/16 days take a few more than you need and slect the first to root has your plants to grow,these have shown that there stronger by rooting first.

Has long has you don;t rush it you will be fine it aint hard dude,i have found they root better with a bit of neglect after the first 5 days just keep your eye on the medium from drying out.

I also use a kebeb skewer to gage the size of stem so i can make a hole in the cube,and you don't push the clone through the bottom of the rock wool bit bigger than the stem then just gently push the rock wool around the stem


Active Member
If height is a problem u should look into mainlining,that way ur growing tops.Also,i c u have a bubble cloner but any problems get urself rapid rooting plugs and clonex,i havent lost a clone yet doing it that way and i dont even have a dome i just put a poly bag over them


Well-Known Member
Its all about knowing that they wilt,but knowing thats ok they will bounce back after a few days.too many panic and think there dieing,i did my self take a few and you will get it after the first few

wheezy e

Appreciate it. I'm looking forward to cloning these girls. I feel like i may actually be prepared when the time comes.

About the solo cups, though. Do you think i need to change to another container, given my hope to keep the moms (yeah, these are going to be the permanent moms) fairly short throughout the perpetual sog process, @bird dog, @Dogenzengi, @ColoradoDreams, @tyke1973, @snoyl ?


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg I would think a Mom needs a minumum of a 3 gal bucket/ pot for soil.
I start with 1" cubes and then move them into 6 inch rock wool cubes.
I start Supercropping and FMing to get a just few branches with many many tops.
That is 7 plants in 6" cubes and 3 plants in 3" cubes in small Hempy style containers.
DIY Ebb N Flow setup under T5s.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3152367 View attachment 3152366 I would think a Mom needs a minumum of a 3 gal bucket/ pot for soil.
I start with 1" cubes and then move them into 6 inch rock wool cubes.
I start Supercropping and FMing to get a just few branches with many many tops.
That is 7 plants in 6" cubes and 3 plants in 3" cubes in small Hempy style containers.
DIY Ebb N Flow setup under T5s.
Some real nice looking critters you have there. You might want to space them out in the container more. I'm sure it works for you, but I see some concern. You move from 1" to 6" and then at least one more move to the 3 gal bucket. That's a lot of moving bro. My plant's are started in paper pots and then moved directly to their final home to do the grow. That is one move and 3 less chances of hermie. Looks like a scrog on the right? Peace

wheezy e

Damn! I don't have the space for that type of a setup. I'm hoping to keep my moms as small as possible, but tall enough for me to clone periodically so i can keep the cuttings going in perpetuity.

a three gal container wouldnt even fit in my space!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Damn! I don't have the space for that type of a setup. I'm hoping to keep my moms as small as possible, but tall enough for me to clone periodically so i can keep the cuttings going in perpetuity.

a three gal container wouldnt even fit in my space!
Sorry bro if you are referring to what I wrote. It was meant for Dogenzengi. Peace


Well-Known Member
I have them very tight together, and yes I partially scrogged an Indica cutting I had.
I Also a little pepper plant tucked in the veg too.
I have six weeks before I chop the plant in my flower tent.
I will put the Indica alone or with one Sativa in for the following flower time.
I will be able to Spread my plants when I take two out.
I have never had a Hermie and I have moved large plants 2 and 3 times to adjust my veg.
Maybe I am Lucky or maybe it is not as easy to cause a plant to Hermie.
Pot is a pretty hardy plant!