How dry do you want the curing room? PIC


Well-Known Member
Hey there - I'm concerned my moisture level is too low where I am drying. It's currently 32% humidity and will likely only get dryer as the week goes on.

Is there a humidity range that is considered best?



Active Member
ya bro..thas pretty dry..optimum range is 45-55% humidity and 65-75 degrees... what kinda trees r thos?? look bomb


Well-Known Member
lol..jus looked at ur first grow... i didnt kno u were a girl
No problem! Damn, maybe I'll find another place that's not as dry. I could definitely put a container of water in there to boost it up, if that would work. Otherwise, it's perfect - dark and no one needs to go in there besides my husband or I. Also could be locked, another bonus.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
OK, sorry to be a noob, but do why do we want to have this part of the drying go slowly? It it to break down the chlorophyll (sp?) or what? I need the "Cook's Illustrated" version of this - the why we are doing what we are doing before I get it. I get that we dry hanging to a bending point of our own preference, then we reduce the size of the environment for the bud by putting it in jars and intermittantly burping it until it gets to our desired moisture level, but what's the magic that happens during that process? (Note to self - buy some mason jars.)

I'm also going to get a humidity sensor that I can depend on - I'm not convinced mine works that well.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the actual reasons behind it but you want it to dry slowly because it brings out a smoother smoke. People say if the environment is too dry and the moisture is evaporated from the bud too quickly the smoke is harsher.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, well, I can move everything to another environment, but it would take a little more effort to prep it. but if making the process longer makes it smoother, I'd totally do it.


Well-Known Member
i hear it makes the buds a smoother smoke and that the sugars break down to simpler sugars over time bringing out more taste, flavor and colors from your buds, i mean u'll still get high if u smoke them straight from the plant but it wont stay lit and suck to smoke also if ur gonna sell it it's gonna piss buyers off if 40-60% of the bud is water


Well-Known Member
i hear it makes the buds a smoother smoke and that the sugars break down to simpler sugars over time bringing out more taste, flavor and colors from your buds, i mean u'll still get high if u smoke them straight from the plant but it wont stay lit and suck to smoke also if ur gonna sell it it's gonna piss buyers off if 40-60% of the bud is water
ok, that's all logical, thanks!


Well-Known Member
I live in 20% RH climate. I've tried drying/curing at that humidity (in a closet like yours) and it just dries out way too fast.

Get a cheap humidifier at Wally World for $25 - $30. Get the one that has a humidity controler and set it at no lower than 50%. Mine would settle in at 45% so I left it there and my drying took about 5-6 days. That harvest had loose buds thou.. Heavier or tighter buds will take longer, depending on the initial condition of the buds when hacked. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
thanks, guys. Went the 40 mile round trip to get a humidifier and switched rooms. They are at a nice 71.8 degrees and 45% humidity, MUCH better than the 85/32% I was seeing. Nice smell in here must mean it's working! :leaf: