How Dose My Garden Grow?


Well-Known Member
So here is my veg and flower rooms, small i know but i kick ass with just a few 2 foot flourescents and at present a 200watt blue cfl and 125watt red cfl in the flowering room, i normally run the 200w blue with a 250w red cfl but heat problems recently and had to reduce down or buy a better fan.

Most damage to the flowering plants is frow the lights, yes big cfl's do burn your plants if not carefull lifting them out of the flowering chamber! I have had a lot of problems with cal/mag, my water has been quite devoid of it this year. I added the cal/mag in the form of garden lime and epsom salts and bang i run into a few minor nute deficiencies, should have realised but hell i get some good bud. These buds are a bit on the small side as reduced light and cal/mag problems early in. My grow is perpetual as you can see and i like to harvest a plant every two weeks. I only started it a couple of months ago or so and still have a month till the first plant finishes flowering.



Well-Known Member
I am close to getting gardening right and don't only grow the weed, if any one has any spare pH and ec meters that they don't want then i would be happy to take them off you. I feel that these are my only problems left till i get perfect plants. Peace


Well-Known Member
I am close to getting gardening right and don't only grow the weed, if any one has any spare pH and ec meters that they don't want then i would be happy to take them off you. I feel that these are my only problems left till i get perfect plants. Peace
Plants look fresh! So green and healthy! I am not sure what your problem is, or if you even still have one.

I have picked up cheap meters, for my Ph one it was 22 American $'s. I have had it a long time, even dropped it in the solution. Upon drying it still worked. I have solution to calibrate, and every time i go to do it, its never off more than .1. Or maybe you will get lucky and someone will give you one...That would be nice :)


Well-Known Member
I know i am skint as hell and anxious to solve a few small problems. Bottom leaves look bad on a few plants but extra nutes and cal/mag helped, one plant at the back of the flowering chamber had cal/mag at the exact time of flowering and will only ever have small buds but rest will flower fine.

These buds are half the size of my normal buds easily, i have grown for a few years now but this year i get big cal/mag problems and blame my water company, although they do produce some exceptional quality water you couldn't really fault. I normally have twice the amount of plants in the veg room but again cal/mag is a big killer of plants and it took a few weeks to realise it was this.

Yer my plants look ok, not the best but i could do a lot better with the right tools. I live in the uk if anyone was wondering, hey i'll send that guy some stuff, he sounds nice and certainly ain't no noob, i wonder if he lives in my country so i can get down the post office and mail this unwanted stuff of to him!lol!
Like BBYY I fail to see your problem other than some nutrient burn I noticed in one picture and I'm left wondering about your drainage as I noticed no perlite or vermiculite in your soil, however other than that your plants look wonderful... If ain't broke don't fix it! PEACE!


Well-Known Member
It has 5 to 10 percent perlite, all you need in good soil as well as sand and small mineral rocks. If the plants are healthy then they will drain the soil nice and quick also proper soil cultivation of the top layer helps keep the soil evenly moist and allow good evaporation through the cultivated top layer. Good soil is like a wick, evaporate some out of the top and the water at the bottom of the pot will move up to replace it. I prefer not to rely on perlite but good gardening practices. Perlite is hazardous stuff if you inhale the dust, i'd rather not use it, hydroton was of but a bit bulky. Peace


Well-Known Member
Hey i know you say my plants look good but seriously they are just out of cal/mag deficiency and only got slight nute problems. I only posted because i like to show pics. I did a thread about repotting with pics in the newbie forum and thought i'd add this as so many people have helped and given advice over the time on this site. I was gona repost in time with any futher problems. Wish i had done a thread about cal/mag and just mag deficiency with pics when i had that problem but i was too damn lazy. Maybe this isn't the right place for posting pics of recently sick plants but hell i did it anyway. Maybe i get some constructive comments or questions about small grows or maybe some can aspire to replicate my results. Peace


Well-Known Member
I just didnt understand why you posted plants as if they were sick when they were not...Kind of misplaced for sure...

but hey, to each his own.
Take care.