How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Ok people, I have a load of Irish peat moss and was wondering would it be any good for planting my tomato seedlings into to grow into big plants?
I've a funny feeling the pH might be too low but I thought I'd better ask you experts afore I kill them lol
Or what about cutting it 50/50 with garden compost maybe?
I suppose I could get lime to raise pH but how much to use per 100 litres?
And how long after mixing in lime before I could use it ?
Any input most welcome :D
In rough numbers I use about a third peat moss in my soil mixes. I do use some garden lime to bring the PH back in line. Maybe two cups to a 50 gallon mix. And I use my soil within a week if I really need it. I'll mix it and take it to the woods the same day. I do like to let it sit in the hole for a week or so so the varmints get done rooting around in it before I add the plants.

The potting soil I have now has lots of PM in it and I'm having a hell of a time keeping my seed trays wet enough to sprout because of it. I should have mixed in more compost.
What do you use the Lemon Balm for? My lady wanted some so I got a plant. It got big and started to spread. She never used it for anything so I told her I was yanking it up. Well I did but It's already all over the yard.
It’s to attract beneficials to my garden. Lavender, citronella and mint do that pretty well. Hopefully lemon balm also. They say it repels some pests too but I’m not so sure about that. Need to get a marigold plant as a trap crop. Worked wonders last year.
I thinned one row of peas, but the rest of them need it soon.

Green beans also need working.

The sun flowers are mainly so I don't drive too close to a spigot. They really need to be de-grassed.

Armenian cucumbers are moving and grooving.

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Acorn squash have a few fruit and lots of blooms.

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I grew the Armenians last year. I liked them but the lady wasn't impressed so those are a no grow anymore. I run the garden but if she won't eat it I won't grow it. She wants just regular cucumbers so that's what she's going to get. Have to make sacrifices to keep the lady happy.
I grew the Armenians last year. I liked them but the lady wasn't impressed so those are a no grow anymore. I run the garden but if she won't eat it I won't grow it. She wants just regular cucumbers so that's what she's going to get. Have to make sacrifices to keep the lady happy.
We really love them. If they make, I don't grow any others. Sister did bring us a few regular cukes from her garden this week.