How Does Your Garden Grow??????


Well-Known Member
Nice and wet. Seeds should pop good for you.

I planted some Raab Broccoli in a tray awhile back. There is a cow feed trough on the deck of the river house setup for an herb garden. The 12th is a good transplant day, so the plan is to set the sprouts out them.
I'm gonna harvest some herbs on the 12th. Gonna cut my big purple basil plants in half again because they've got a gangsta lean going on right now. The bees, wasps, hoverflies, and green lacewings love the flowers. Haven't seen any caterpillars or spider mites in the herb garden in a while.

sega megadrive

Well-Known Member
just moved an started a garden bed down in oz as soon as i could got some tomatoes growing all wild an shit in there .an a cover crop got a fat aloe plant in there to that was there when i moved in .will be adding allsorts of good stuff in the bed over winter for next season will be putting some gunja in there


too larry

Well-Known Member
Citronella and mint going crazy. They loving the cooler and more humid weather. Habaneros finally ripening. Little Fresno and bell peppers poppin now too. Ghost pepper is still just dropping flowers.View attachment 4425299View attachment 4425300View attachment 4425301View attachment 4425302View attachment 4425303
Looking good.

The deer ate everything in the garden but the habs and Cayenne. And the freeze we had a couple of weeks back got them. All I have growing at the moment is the Rabb Broccoli in a cow trough down at the river house.


Well-Known Member
Strawberries are starting to produce but the strawberries in the bottom pic didn’t get watered when I transplanted them so there a bit like f u atm
Lemon thyme is loving life but oregano is getting attacked sprayed it with some organic stuff hopefully that will do the trick the tomatoes got smashed I’ve been i recovery mode with them too
Green beans poppin flowers
Yellow Capsicum ready for a bigger pot the chickens bit this plant in half should be a foot tall by now but I’ll get there slowly


Well-Known Member
I’ve got some big cabbage that is getting cut for thanksgiving and my collards have been so productive that we get a mess every ten days or so. The same cold spell that hit Larry hit us pretty hard, wiping out the okra, butter beans and tomatoes. I’m going to plow it all under and put in more turnips, I love the greens but I don’t care for the roots.

too larry

Well-Known Member
We went to the tomato fields on Monday. Picked a mixed bucket of Jalapeno, bells and tomatoes. {also ate a couple of raw squash} The cold had killed most of the vines, but there was plenty of fruit. But now 5 days later, most of the tomatoes are rotting. I guess it was the freeze. Plus the price has gone up to 9 bucks a bucket. Not too happy with them right now.


Well-Known Member
my grandpa grew kiwi for years, acres of them..i dug a shit ton of trenches for irrigation line whenever i went to visit...those will get 12 feet tall easy if they have a place to grow and good conditions, but you won't get any fruit for 3 or 4 years
I’ll eventually replant them and build something for them to climb on. Like you said 3-4 for years no rush


Well-Known Member
man the weather outside is gross but I'm getting the compost started for next season now. Need to steal a few bags of leaves from my neighbors so I have plenty of carbon to mix in with the greens. Planning a ~3' raised bed with different cherry tomatoes for my kiddo this year, probably 8x8' with a center walkway. I'm considering putting some 4x4 posts in and covering the whole thing in bird netting as I've always had issues with them.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Last night I walked down to my old camp from the river house to check on the orange trees. The short one has 10-12 oranges on it, but it's laying over pretty good, and got a couple of downed oaks on it. The tall one looks fine, but it's only got two oranges right at the very top. Each orange is good for 20-25 seeds.
