how does weed get you through life

i have really bad issues with depression and stuff...weed kills the depression. i couldnt live without it, i tried, and i have really bad episodes. i also cant go to the bars and clubs without being stoned. i get really aggressive around stupid drunk people and when im sober im always one evil glare away from knocking a bitch out...but when im stoned i dont really care as much, im more mellow and much less likely to get in a fight :)
Get up and get crackin. Taking a toke in the morning helps me start the day, I have general soreness in my wrists and back from overwork. I exercise five days a week, currently in a bodybuilding routine to add mass and bulk. After a workout I love taking some big rips to relax my body. I work the night shift and smoke on my way to work, at work, and after work to keep moving I only get a thirty minute break per eight and a half hour shift and I often work nine hour shifts because of the extra responsibilities I have at work. Weed gets me through everything and I love it. I enjoy it with my fiance and hopefully someday with anyone in my family who wants to smoke. It makes me laugh and feel refreshed. My dream is to start growing and have a constant supply to give away to everyone who needs it. PEACE!
When I smoke the herb I turn with the earth, not against it. Thats the feeling I get and that makes life enjoyable.
that is such a good way to phrase it, turning with the earth instead of against it...i really like that explanation! :clap:
it helps me look at the world differently an my reality becomes more palitable an its held my family together for 4 generations
Get up and get crackin. Taking a toke in the morning helps me start the day, I have general soreness in my wrists and back from overwork. I exercise five days a week, currently in a bodybuilding routine to add mass and bulk. After a workout I love taking some big rips to relax my body. I work the night shift and smoke on my way to work, at work, and after work to keep moving I only get a thirty minute break per eight and a half hour shift and I often work nine hour shifts because of the extra responsibilities I have at work. Weed gets me through everything and I love it. I enjoy it with my fiance and hopefully someday with anyone in my family who wants to smoke. It makes me laugh and feel refreshed. My dream is to start growing and have a constant supply to give away to everyone who needs it. PEACE!

I always smoke after I pick up weights, so I know what you're saying there.

It also keeps me from ... you know when you're on the way home from a long shitty day at the sweat shop you work at, sitting in heavy traffic in your practical joke of a car, and you're just about to fucking snap and go on a CNN worthy shooting spree, followed by a potentially fatal high speed chase?

Weed keeps me from doing that almost every day.
it helps me make it through the winters. wheel chairs and snow don't mix.
oh, dude, i can understand that. :hug: my dad is in a chair, he hates the snow. he cant really go anywhere when theres too much of it, because the plows dont come around often enough and its hard for him to wheel around. he hates winter so much. we've been really lucky this winter though, we only had a couple bad snows, so he's been able to go out more this year than other years. but he gets "cabin fever" and it can be really depressing for him :sad:
Yeah , im depressed too. Weed helps me relax and think about life and my dreams , goals , plans , people , etc. But i dont NEED it , i just want it really bad. I dont like knowing that i dont have weed or cant get it if i want. I also smoke with friends and on special occasions to have more fun.
I smoke because other drugs are designed to stop you from thinking. Alcohol has no facets, and has one effect no matter what type of alcohol you drink, it's just about how much you drink. It simply numbs people from having to deal with reality.. simply a 'cop out' drug...:finger:

Pot helps me think more deeply about the facets of my life and the world and come to terms with it instead of ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist.

It helps me to find the things about myself I like instead of drinking away the things I don't.

I only smoke on weekends as to not avoid reality completely and use pot to deal with those things at the end of the week.

That's how it helps my life.;-)