how does this plant look to you?


it does have 7 finger leaflets so its on the happier/healthier side. it seems dim to me. with 4 26watters it should be brighter


New Member
Was it started in the 2 gallon pot? If so go smaller pot next time and move up eventually. Get better root growth.

Also, if that is the first container the FFOF will be wearing off about now or should have already so nutes will be needed. I can't go more then 3 weeks in a 5 gallon pot once I transplant in veg without adding nutes. My FFOF mix is only 75% not 100% though.

Looks somewhat healthy, just small for 28 days.

Here is my current grow with a pic of four different strains at day 29.

that bear smokey

Well-Known Member
Was it started in the 2 gallon pot? If so go smaller pot next time and move up eventually. Get better root growth.

Also, if that is the first container the FFOF will be wearing off about now or should have already so nutes will be needed. I can't go more then 3 weeks in a 5 gallon pot once I transplant in veg without adding nutes. My FFOF mix is only 75% not 100% though.

Looks somewhat healthy, just small for 28 days.

Here is my current grow with a pic of four different strains at day 29.
well its started in a small plant container. I transplanted her into the 2gallon about a week ago.


Well-Known Member
For 2 weeks it looks fine. But increase your light by getting it as close as possible without burning the leaves.