How does this ish look?


I harvested half this plant 2 days ago... this is my first grow and I'm paranoid that I chopped too soon. At least I have the other half... lol

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I see quite a few clear trichomes and not many amber. You could probably let the plant go another week or two if you keep a close eye on it daily.
Thats what im planning on doing... I get a weird high from the stuff i already cut. Not sure if its because it was early or just not dried all the way.
If you went on vacation for a week and got back...Would probably be a bad thing...possibly overdone....But then again..It might go two more weeks...For one thing, We dont know what strain your growing....How rapid, its growing/flowering/finishing.. that plays a BIG part...You need to KEEP A CLOSE EYE TILL SHE FINISHES....sorry..wasnt yelling...thats just very important..budrot, milldew/mold, etc....Not saying that u have any of these...Just study the HELL out of ur buds right now..( minimum handling and groping)..And they will be done when they are done....Finishing up isn't in our control.....but a couple days could mean that window, or a mold spread..anything.........................................High..and rambling.. Sorry, Hope I have helped some :-)

This doesnt look WAY early to anyone right? Like it falls within a reasonable window of harvesting?
BTW, look too early...I wish I could have told you how many I have pulled dried and cured to the best pot around...HAHAHA...I had never even seen your stage of bud...lmao...a while back that
This doesnt look WAY early to anyone right? Like it falls within a reasonable window of harvesting?
Haha. thanks for the advice. I partly blame my microscope. It goes 60x but its a shitty plastic one and isnt the easiest to use. I think that I thought everything was cloudy when in fact it was cloudy/clear. Anyway, the strain is called dream queen. Space queenxblue dream I believe.
Keep in mind as well, that whatever percentage amber it is,..that you decide to cut..It will go up a the plant didn't die when you cut it..maybe as much as 20-30%.. I have cut with 80% cloudy, 10% clear and 10% amber...ended up about 30 % after a couple weeks into a cure..maybe 3-5 days of that being the drying time..
Thanks for the encouraging words guys. I was kinda trippin because i thought I was pulling early, but oh well its a learning experience!
Looks nice! I'd say less than a week to go.

FYI, Dream Queen (AKA Green Crack) is actually Skunk #1 crossed with an unknown California indica. No Space Queen or Blue Dream in there. Great strain, though.