Active Member
I am with heisenberg's thinking on this one. I am not convinced he was sincere in asking the question he did. My conclusion is he started this thread to ploy and troll the hell out of faith based people. He has no interest what so ever as to why religion has persisted. Correct me if I am wrong, But I believe the majority of this thread has nothing to do with what was original asked. Happens more time than not on these kind of forum. Classless Sativa, and dishonorable. Religion people don't troll you non believers, so its WHO of U to return the equal!
Not that you deserve it, but some food for thought. Take a look at the sky at night and tell me what you see. And I will call you A LIAR cause you CANT prove THERE ACTUAL PHYSICAL EXSISTENCE.
You are obviously looking for faith in something. Faith in something you can physically touch would'nt be a faith at all. The single most critical aspect of ANY GoD is based around ABSOLUTE BELIEF in said GOD. You say you set a Challenge for anyone to prove his existence? Are they not all "higher powers" for a reason? In the christian faith, its well accepted that no man living or dead could ever nor will ever prove his being, other than when he walked his planet in the flesh. That is GODS JURISDICTION. He calls the shots of when, where, whom, why....Not the created, but the creator that runs the show.
And for the last time, get this FACT THROUGH YOUR cellular wasteland known as a brain. JUST BECAUSE no human alive or dead, can prove his actual being ( to your standards of proof--which I am sure are askew and illogical ) ,DOES NOT IN ANY FASHION FORM OR MANNER DEDUCE THERE IS NO GOD. Just because you can't prove something in life does not mean its not valid or true. You cant see the air you breath to keep your retarded arse alive, you cant touch it, taste it....yet you (may) know its there.( ever hear of the 12 wonders of the world--or the top 7 ancient religious artifacts that still stump scientist-creationist alike)
So, to make this transparent as possible. Prove god does NOT exist.( Ill give ya the answer cause I know u will never get it correct) YOU CANT, PERIOD. Just as much as a faithful person can't prove the verca. Perhaps thats the means to end for you to find god. Which reminds me, we dont find god, god finds us.
Lastly, The one thing I can say gives more prudence is that I can point in any direction for 360 degree's and say this is the creation of a creator. Not of A HUMAN( which has to be created in order to exist , they dont just pop in momma's belly without creation....THAT IS FOR SURE, A FACT! Moreso, I can point to the stars and say, out there is something, not nothingness. Science and basic mathematics proves its impossible to create anything from nothing. 0+/-0=0. You cant create something as vast as our universe ( which we have no idea how large it really is, or if there is even a way to calculate its capacity. ) from nothing. One of the first things the bible gets out the way off that bat is that before god, there was nothing. Simple
Since god or an unknown date in which "everything just happened", there is more than the human mind can conceive!
More so, I can proclaim with substantial history that the kingdom of god is within those stars. Moreso, I can prove that in human history it has been noted and recorded by millions of people that Jesus Christ, of Nazareth did indeed walk the face of this planet. Its hard to get around that one faithless. Moreso, he's the ONLY person to EVER PROCLAIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS PROCLAIMING. Odd eh? He even proclaimed his timed death. He predicted the future, he performed miracles that still happen every single second of every day. If you are yet to see birth, you would know that offspring are true miracles. You think billions and trillions of microscopic atoms and cells just became smart one day and decided to start forming together to form tissue, then muscle, then organs? For both humans and non humans alike. We are huge complex miracles that don't just happen. We must be created in order to have life on earth. The proof is in the pudding of our very being. Even Your scourge was CREATED...DIDNT JUST HAPPEN....Sadly Momma and Daddy did it, and created you. I would imagine a GOD is the designer and the creator of the ones now recreating. If you ever read of how truely complex DNA and RNA are, you would know that things of that complexity are impossible to "just happen" the probability of that are beyond computing, you are far more likely to be able to predict the exact second of your death(suicide does not count)...which has'nt been done yet, unless you count Jesus. ...if you study dna, you will see that every last atom, every last cell, had a ton of thought, design, and effort put into it, by something far greater than us mere humans. There is so complex of an intellectual design with the very fabric of each human being that it would be impossible for us to be what we are today without intellectual design in our DNA composition.......that seems more logical than oohh ya know some things were zoomin around in outter space one day and just by chance whamo everything just happened ,earth was born and we eventually flew out of apes and monkey Im thinking and ah ya....so here ya are
There is nothing about our lives nor the universe that is able to be summed up as " well it-ya just happened kids"..Nothing within this universe will ever be so simple for a reason. God is obviously not a simple person. Hes GOD. God proclaimed one very crucial thing that so many people like yourself fail to see. And in this case it what he did'nt say that carries the most power. He proclaimed he HAS A PURPOSE. He did not say it would be a purpose we are aware of or would understand. He said to trust him. Thats it. And in a world so full of "nothingness" what would you have to lose to have even the smallest amount of faith. Its through a God that all things are possible...evil, pain, suffering, disease, creation, destruction and anything under or beyond the sun!
Not that you deserve it, but some food for thought. Take a look at the sky at night and tell me what you see. And I will call you A LIAR cause you CANT prove THERE ACTUAL PHYSICAL EXSISTENCE.
You are obviously looking for faith in something. Faith in something you can physically touch would'nt be a faith at all. The single most critical aspect of ANY GoD is based around ABSOLUTE BELIEF in said GOD. You say you set a Challenge for anyone to prove his existence? Are they not all "higher powers" for a reason? In the christian faith, its well accepted that no man living or dead could ever nor will ever prove his being, other than when he walked his planet in the flesh. That is GODS JURISDICTION. He calls the shots of when, where, whom, why....Not the created, but the creator that runs the show.
And for the last time, get this FACT THROUGH YOUR cellular wasteland known as a brain. JUST BECAUSE no human alive or dead, can prove his actual being ( to your standards of proof--which I am sure are askew and illogical ) ,DOES NOT IN ANY FASHION FORM OR MANNER DEDUCE THERE IS NO GOD. Just because you can't prove something in life does not mean its not valid or true. You cant see the air you breath to keep your retarded arse alive, you cant touch it, taste it....yet you (may) know its there.( ever hear of the 12 wonders of the world--or the top 7 ancient religious artifacts that still stump scientist-creationist alike)
So, to make this transparent as possible. Prove god does NOT exist.( Ill give ya the answer cause I know u will never get it correct) YOU CANT, PERIOD. Just as much as a faithful person can't prove the verca. Perhaps thats the means to end for you to find god. Which reminds me, we dont find god, god finds us.
Lastly, The one thing I can say gives more prudence is that I can point in any direction for 360 degree's and say this is the creation of a creator. Not of A HUMAN( which has to be created in order to exist , they dont just pop in momma's belly without creation....THAT IS FOR SURE, A FACT! Moreso, I can point to the stars and say, out there is something, not nothingness. Science and basic mathematics proves its impossible to create anything from nothing. 0+/-0=0. You cant create something as vast as our universe ( which we have no idea how large it really is, or if there is even a way to calculate its capacity. ) from nothing. One of the first things the bible gets out the way off that bat is that before god, there was nothing. Simple

More so, I can proclaim with substantial history that the kingdom of god is within those stars. Moreso, I can prove that in human history it has been noted and recorded by millions of people that Jesus Christ, of Nazareth did indeed walk the face of this planet. Its hard to get around that one faithless. Moreso, he's the ONLY person to EVER PROCLAIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS PROCLAIMING. Odd eh? He even proclaimed his timed death. He predicted the future, he performed miracles that still happen every single second of every day. If you are yet to see birth, you would know that offspring are true miracles. You think billions and trillions of microscopic atoms and cells just became smart one day and decided to start forming together to form tissue, then muscle, then organs? For both humans and non humans alike. We are huge complex miracles that don't just happen. We must be created in order to have life on earth. The proof is in the pudding of our very being. Even Your scourge was CREATED...DIDNT JUST HAPPEN....Sadly Momma and Daddy did it, and created you. I would imagine a GOD is the designer and the creator of the ones now recreating. If you ever read of how truely complex DNA and RNA are, you would know that things of that complexity are impossible to "just happen" the probability of that are beyond computing, you are far more likely to be able to predict the exact second of your death(suicide does not count)...which has'nt been done yet, unless you count Jesus. ...if you study dna, you will see that every last atom, every last cell, had a ton of thought, design, and effort put into it, by something far greater than us mere humans. There is so complex of an intellectual design with the very fabric of each human being that it would be impossible for us to be what we are today without intellectual design in our DNA composition.......that seems more logical than oohh ya know some things were zoomin around in outter space one day and just by chance whamo everything just happened ,earth was born and we eventually flew out of apes and monkey Im thinking and ah ya....so here ya are

There is nothing about our lives nor the universe that is able to be summed up as " well it-ya just happened kids"..Nothing within this universe will ever be so simple for a reason. God is obviously not a simple person. Hes GOD. God proclaimed one very crucial thing that so many people like yourself fail to see. And in this case it what he did'nt say that carries the most power. He proclaimed he HAS A PURPOSE. He did not say it would be a purpose we are aware of or would understand. He said to trust him. Thats it. And in a world so full of "nothingness" what would you have to lose to have even the smallest amount of faith. Its through a God that all things are possible...evil, pain, suffering, disease, creation, destruction and anything under or beyond the sun!