How does one clean a glass bowl?


Well-Known Member
How do you clean a glass pipe I have been usin mine for about 3 months without cleaning it. Yes, this is my first one.


New Member
How do you clean a glass pipe I have been usin mine for about 3 months without cleaning it. Yes, this is my first one.
What me and my buddies usually do is get a paper clip or something thin and long. Stick the clip carefully in the pipe and try and scrap all the rezz from it. If u accomplish that than give it a nice rinse under some water with no soap, let it sit and dry out for a nice clean usable pipe:bigjoint:


try alcohol and pipe cleaners. that'll get u fixed right up in a hurry. you could also use that Cleaner 420 shit too that's mad expensive. u still need a pipe cleaner. u could soak the pipe in alcohol over night and just rinse it well in the morning w/ water, maybe shake it up a little before rinsing. you could boil the bowl, but it doesn't work that well.



Well-Known Member
Many people like to keep their glass pieces relatively clean, or enjoy reaping the benefits of scraping their bowels for resin to smoke. I can scrape my bowel pretty clean, but there is only so much you can get out. The end result is usually a pipe that wont look right until you get more resin in it to give it back its color. And every time you do this it gets harder to scrape clean because of the old stuff hardening.

If you follow this technique you can get your pipe as clean as it was the day you bought it every time, plus it will always be easier to scrape your pipe the next time.

Scrape your pipe as cleanly as you want, or not at all, some people don't enjoy smoking their resin so they can skip this step.

Fill your pipe with a teaspoon or two of salt, depending on pipe size. You can use regular table salt, sea salt (preferred) or rock salt.

Plug the head of your bowel with your finger or thumb, and pour rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, into the mouthpiece of your pipe.

Cover the mouthpiece with another finger or thumb and shake the pipe up and down vigorously but carefully, for a few minutes.

Dump out the waste and rinse thoroughly with tap water.

Repeat if needed until pipe is sparkling clean.


Well-Known Member
All that stuff is difficult. The easiest way I found for just a pipe is to get a glass that you probally wont want, and fill it with water, enough to completely cover the pipe. Just pop it in the microwave for no more than five minutes, and it should be spotless. Be sure to watch it in the microwave, as it may bubble over. Also, it does smell like disgusting bong water, but it is simple.


Well-Known Member
Thx, I went with the salt and alcohol. It got most of it. The bottom of bowl and stem have a very thick coat of resin. I am letting it soak in the alcohol for a time to see if it will losen up.


Well-Known Member
It will...I just did mine last night. There was a bit in the corner that required me using an inscence stick to finally get. But it gets the job done.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have heard of the salt and alcohol.

I like to put a microwave safe bowl in micro and cook until boiling.
I then take it out and drop in bowl.

I usuall try to clean the bowl by running water through it first.

If you have an unbreakable bowl made from pyrex you can just throw in pot full of water and put on stove.
Boil until clean.

This is will make reg glass thiner each time you do it.
It will make weaker bowls easier to break.

But, those you can stand on throw them in a pot and cook em.


Well-Known Member
Like bloodshot said I am one of those dudes who cleans it and tries to keep them clean.

I rinse mine with hot water each time I smoke.
I hate the taste of resin.
I have a spare bowl that I let friends use for schwag.

I suppose If did not have any for a day or two I might would scrape that mug.
Usually just calms me when I am pissed.
I have a hard time getting high off the resin.
It is like a very very last resort.

I would prefer to grind stems and smoke them instead of resin.


Well-Known Member
Thats a copy/paste job there...but its what I do...didnt feel like typing all that out.

But I have ocd when it comes to my glass. I clean it every other day.


Well-Known Member
i found the easiest way i clean my glass bowl is to run really hot water thru the bowl to get all the loose res out then let it soak in hot water and oxy-clean then use a q-tip to wipe it out with if its real bad it may have to be soaked again in hot water and oxy-clean then repeat with the q-tip once you get it clean rinse it well with hot or warm water. i used to boil my glass but i found that weakins the glass and i have a few bowls break on me doing that,i use hot water from tap not boiling water


Active Member
You guys are kind of crazy, wasting all that resin. I wait until I am broke, then the baby pins come out. I scrape my glass piece till there is no more scraping to be done. Then use and old bong to bubble it up. Gets you high and holds you over for a few days until you can re-up. It might taste like ass but it does the trick. Until I have a constant cycle of plants there will be no wasting of resin. Except for out of a bong that is just nasty.


Well-Known Member
I can't stand the taste or headache high I get wih resin. So my bowl usually goes awhile without being cleaned. It has a very deep bubble.


Active Member
I say that people should be really careful when they are cleaning their pieces.

I broke the base of my bong because it slipped. It was a frosted illadelph, the frost made it slippery!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
If you clean your glass regularly, it should come clean with just hot water.
If it won't come off with that, try Goo-Gone. Fill up your bongs and let sit for awhile, if you can get a pipe cleaner or something to scrub it off (it should come off really easy), rinse with hot water. For the bowls, get a ziploc bag, fill with Goo-Gone and drop your bowl in it, let set for awhile and rinse with hot water.