How does my plant look


Well-Known Member
Heres some more pics about a week, maybe a little bit more later, wsh i had a better cam but its w.e these were on my phone again.. made a couple improvements to the grow room...added a humidifier and a timer so the days are exactly 18 hours long, treated twice with foxfarm big bloom some stems growth it looks like, its defiantly thicker but doesnt have much more length theres quite a bit of hairs on it, many more leaves growing all over the place but the stem has barely grown the bottom leaves(first 2) have started get yellow/brown at the tips and die i think thats normal, but everything else with the size of the plant is still confusing me ...someone please help..:cry:


luvvin growin

Active Member
you might also consider cleaning up around her,she doesnt take well to all the shit in the air she's supposed to breathe.