How does my grow box look?


DSC_0511.JPG DSC_0512.JPG DSC_0511.JPG DSC_0512.JPG Hey folks
Just built a new grow room as my last one suck
Its 115cm x 85cm x 230cm height
Inline fan at the bottom
Exhaust fan on the top
400w MH with self made reflector
Ballast and key placed out of grow box
Circulation fan runs between lamp and plants
Walls covered with reflective papers
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Looks good but the exhaust looks quite small..
Do u have a filter and wont it get hot in there?
Well that's just like my inline fan
Thats like: 200m2/1hr
My area is about 2.2m2
And temperature inside the grow is about 25c-27c when light on and 18-20 when light off


Well-Known Member
Hold my lighter while i light my joint on that reflector! Lol! Good enough, ive seen a fucking 35$ grow box with lights and all lol. Thats intake on the bottom right?


Well-Known Member
Not trying to seem like a dick or anything but u are asking for opinions. Is your reflector covered in foil? And the lights power wire going up into the fan is kinda scary.
I would look into maybe spending a couple bucks more on this cab.
Buy yourself at least a 4" inline with a carbon filter.


Not trying to seem like a dick or anything but u are asking for opinions. Is your reflector covered in foil? And the lights power wire going up into the fan is kinda scary.
I would look into maybe spending a couple bucks more on this cab.
Buy yourself at least a 4" inline with a carbon filter.
Yeah thats foil and wont get hot
And lamp wire not going into the fan but they're close and wont touch each other
My fan is 4 inches (10cm)


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats foil and wont get hot
And lamp wire not going into the fan but they're close and wont touch each other
My fan is 4 inches (10cm)
Whether or not the foil gets hot it's doing no good.
Your better off just painting the inside of the cabinet white.
And I meant an inline fan that's at least 4". Your fan may be 4" but it's not moving half the air of an inline.

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
CFM are cubic feet per minute, basically it's the amount of air exchanged every minute in the grow box. If you calculate Width x Length x Height you get the total volume of the grow box, and then multiply that number by three (or 5) [because you want the air inside the growbox to be exchanged every 3-5 minutes]. And that is your cfm rating.

Unfortunately you have to do that in inches and then just convert the final number, there are tons of cfm to m3/h converters on the net.

I didn't check your fans, but they could be good. Also, make sure that your intake fan is less powerful (less cfm or m3/h ratings than your outtake).

There are a few options for you, although I don't know if you are aware of them yet:

Passive intake vs. active intake:
you have an active intake (if I'm not mistaken), but for such a intake to work, the outtake MUST be more powerful than the intake. If not, the outtake fan won't be able to keep up with the amount of air being transfered into the box, and basically what will happen, is that all the excess air will be pushed out of every crack (which will result in the odour escaping).

Passive intakes are when you have just one fan which pushes the air out of the box and because of the negative pressure (science) the air from the outside rushes in through intake holes). This is when you need to calculate the cfm rating and what not.

That's just a fast line out of a few options.

Now I'm high as a kite as of this moment and I could of missed something crucial and/or wrote a load of bollocks.

I like the grow box mate looks real good, listen to the other guys opinions and you'll be right as rain. :D