How does my first harvest look? *lots of pics* *FORCED EARLY HARVEST :(*


Well-Known Member
its my first grow, so I accidently used Miracle Gro potting soil.... (didn't know it was bad).... but yeah.... she's gotten no nutes ever


Well-Known Member
Great job man. Made me drool. Just curious though, how would you have gotten arrested for growing one plant with four cfl's? Are you sure you didn't just get wicked paranoid? Unless you're in some crazy state or country, no way you're goin to jail for one plant. It'll be a really nice up high though since you took it nice and early. Not as much weight, but for a personal grow it's probably just as well.


Active Member
Blow that in the landlords face! That's nice. A week of drama now soon to be up in smoke. I did my first grow with no nutes, I figured start slow see what a plant with nothing more than my soil for feed did. 15 plants 2.25 lbs. I've never used miracle grow thow. Your plant sure looked good though.


Well-Known Member
I know eh? All that drama and hiding the plant and being so scared.... just to be forced to murk it anyway.... oh well.