How does everyone secure Velcro to B/W Poly to make a door?


Well-Known Member

I bought the poly from HTG Supply 100'x10' roll.

As states I am having a terribly hard time getting my Velcro to stick to the poly I have used as walls and a door. At first I let the glue on the back dry 24 hours before touching and as soon as I pulled back it came clean off the poly, almost as if it had been laying against it. Next I tried to use hotglue to secure the Velcro and that has worked well until today. So here I am to ask the experts!

How do you attach Velcro to poly?

i use a heavy duty stapler. also gotta open gingerly the first handful of times... it will release easier over time
its all about the me

velcro gets nasty and stops working eventually, its a pain all around.

personally i sew it on or use gorilla tape
nobody ever has those types long enough for me..i need about 20ft
i end up making my own..its kind of a pain but nice
If you use 2 of these so the bottom each touch that about 16 to 18 feet of opening as each one is like 8-9 feet long so unzip in opposite directions makes an opening that long.

I know that one is only like 6 and half feet but they do have the 8 footers out there
Sometimes the plastic rips.
Gorilla tape assists in avoiding this problem, less work and sticks like a bastid!
after a couple days it usually sticks pretty good for me. The first few times the Velcro peels so I just grab it and gently work it lose but after the glue has some ime to set up it has never been a problem for me. you could try gluing them on
I have never had a stick on zipper come off. I still have few areas I put them on 8 years ago and they would only come off if I cut the mylar or panda fil pretty much bonded for good lol
I have learned to trim the plastic away from the zipper so it wont catch.
You will get what I mean when the zipper sticks.

I went through a bunch of them before I got brave.
after a couple days it usually sticks pretty good for me. The first few times the Velcro peels so I just grab it and gently work it lose but after the glue has some ime to set up it has never been a problem for me. you could try gluing them on

I bought the velcro from lowes. Industrial strength. If that is what you are using? I might try to buy more if you do and cleaning it real good!
gorilla tape...
it will bond to plastic as well as your skin, if i dont use gloves after going through a roll im missing my fingerprints. i do mean bond, as in thermoplastic welding...
how you use it..apply like duct tape, liberally..i use it for everything
I understand how I can use it for sealing. I basically have two rooms side by side with velcro in the middle and the doors slide sideways when I need in and velcro shut when I do not.

I'm getting more velcro tomorrow