How do you


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when the potting mix is dry it compacts up and stays together. I usually put the stem between my fingers and flip the whole container and tap until it falls out. You can try using a butter knife around the edge if it's not easily coming out.


if that pic is your plant i would wait a few days b4 i even thought about moving it into a bigger pot maybe even 2 weeks depending on how it grows

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't think you need to transplant yet, but you could if you wanted to. It looks dry though so either way give it a good watering. Once the roots start to fill in the pot, it will hold the soil together better. Fill your container with enough fresh soil so that you can set the whole solo cup inside the container and the bottom leaves are just above the top of the pot. Take The whole root mass out of the solo cup by turning it upside down and holding the stem of the plant between your fingers, then place it on top of the soil. Fill in the sides and water thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can go ahead and transplant. They'll survive in the cup a little longer so it's not a urgent rush, but if you got the time go ahead and do it early. I always like the roots to have two inches of soil between the root tips and container's wall. I start in one gallon, move to 10 gallon, then to soil. If my budget will let me, I also want to plant one or two of my girls in 100-gallon containers (actually a $15 plastic kiddy pools & filling it up with $60 worth of Kellogg Patio Plus from Lowes).