How do you transport your clones to your location.


Well-Known Member
ok so im looking for a bigger backpack. i cant find anything i can carry more then 9 clones in. i just wondering what everyone else is using. and im talking about hiking in not growing outside in your yard....


Active Member
How big are your clones? I use those rectangular gallon water jugs. Cut the top almost off(or bottom), leave a flap hanging and then stick the clone inside the bottle and tape it up. Protects them like none other. I can fit six of those in my bag, baby. 9+? I'd carry two bags or make two trips.


Well-Known Member
i us party cups and there uaslly 6inchs. i carrry about 6 to 9 i need to carry more two trips suck when you walk a far. plus i need to save time. cant spend my day off work walking around and makin trips back and forth. plus leaving a trail. looks like im going to have to build something.


New Member
I found a worm hole in the time space continuum. Every now and then a batch of clones end up on Bejor, but for the most part they end up where I need them........
Oh ya, the cardboard centers from paper towels and butt floss make dandy little holsters for transporting clones.


Active Member
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was alright. I think Enterprise and Voyage were a lil better than DS9 and The Next Generation. I hated the TNG episodes with the Crusher kid.
Is butt floss supposed to be toilet paper?


Well-Known Member
As they get damaged easily walking thru the bush to your patch i like to use one of these ,it protects the babies and i can fit about 25 -12" clones in there. images.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok so im looking for a bigger backpack. i cant find anything i can carry more then 9 clones in. i just wondering what everyone else is using. and im talking about hiking in not growing outside in your yard....
You're starting a guerrilla grow in November?. OK I'll bite, use 5 gal buckets painted green.


Well-Known Member
i have food storage containers that are about iunno, id say a foot and a half by a foot and 6 inches deep. i can usually comfortably fit about a dozen small clones of their sides. cardboard boxes would probably work also. when i had soil clones, i wrapped a piece of newspaper around each of the root balls to stop them from falling apart and taped it around the stem. toss your rigid containers in a duffel bag and away you go.


Active Member
That's because there were actually giant space battles going on at DS9. Pretty cool tho. I'll have to Trek it some night.


Well-Known Member
i us party cups for cloning. so cooler only holds 6 and if i us a larger cooler it get hung up in brush and they all spill and get broken. the paper towel thing dont sound bad tho.


Active Member
I chuck their little bitch ass 4" pots across the river then hike around. Then I throw em in a manure bag and hike the rest of the way where everything is ready to just drop em in and walk awya bahahaha!

(Yeah I throw em a good 25-30 feet across a river, hasn't failed yet :P)


Active Member
I chuck their little bitch ass 4" pots across the river then hike around. Then I throw em in a manure bag and hike the rest of the way where everything is ready to just drop em in and walk awya bahahaha!

(Yeah I throw em a good 25-30 feet across a river, hasn't failed yet :P)

Absolutely awesome.


Well-Known Member
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was alright. I think Enterprise and Voyage were a lil better than DS9 and The Next Generation. I hated the TNG episodes with the Crusher kid.
Is butt floss supposed to be toilet paper?
Are you guys crazy? Everyone knows Jean Luc Picard is the superior Starfleet officer.


Active Member
Yeah but what about all those episodes where the main character is the Crusher kid. Picard is great but so is Archer.

I love how we left out the original. Shatner is the man. The old ones are awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he is pretty annoying, but how many episodes was he actually the main character? That show ran for a long time so he's only in a small fraction of the episodes.

I agree Enterprise was a good show, at least in concept. If if had better writing it could have gone further. They dragged that Xindi thing out way too long. 2 whole seasons? Come on. Scott Bakula is a great actor I don't care what anyone says!

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
5 gal bucket with a few holes drilled in the top for ventilation. Keep the plants fairly small (under 12") so that you can maximize how many you can carry while minimizing transplant-shock as larger plants generally are more dificult to transplant. I've transported up to 20 with this method. I also carry a fishing rod and a small tackle box. The bucket also doubles as a transport for carrying water to your newly planted babies and can be left behind if done carefully.