How do you think I am doing? Low effort grow

Hey Zeus!

Hello all. This is my first post here (obviously) and was just wondering what your opinions are on the plants so far.

They are about 2 weeks old. The soil is just some Miracle Grow I had left over from gardening. I threw it into a pot and put about 4 seeds in it. I made sure not to bury it more than half an inch down. The first pot I didn't realize that it had no drain hole at the bottom, and waterlogged it, which is why only half have grown. Transplanted it to the pot in the pictures about a week ago and have been watering them once a day around 2pm. Climate here has been around the 80* mark and very little rain.

This is my first attempt at growing, and it is a very lazy/low effort one at that. I did not check the levels of the soil, just threw some in a pot and sprinkled some seeds in. Literally.

Question: What is the purple hue on one of the plants? I assume that is bruising from the transplant.



Active Member
Looks good so far. The miricle growing soil has nutes for supposedly 3 months, so if your going to use nutes don't use them for at least the first two and a half months or untill they plateau in growth and then start low mixture of nutes.
The purple is not bruising totally normal. Welcome to the forum and happy growing:)


Well-Known Member
they look alright try not to over water and 2 plants in one pot can cause you some trouble if one turns out to be male. also if you want them to produce big buds they should be put into bigger pots eventually. good luck man

Hey Zeus!

Thanks for the quick replies.

I do not plan on having these around the house for any longer than a month, or the time it takes for someone to think "Hey, those don't look like tomaters!"

After about a month I will transplant them to a guerrilla location about 2 miles from here.

Also Shylas, I have no clue what you mean by nutes, I will look that up now.


Active Member
Sometimes depending on location outdoor might grow a lil slower because of light cycles, but i grow both and theres not much dif in my opinion. All depends on your method really.


Well-Known Member
well if your worried about someone noticing they aint tomato plants id stick to the guerilla for now the sadest thing in the world would be having to destroy your plants when they get found but the only difference is indoors you can control the optium conditions and outdoors mother natures in charge but most of the time thats how it should be

but they do look good, the soil looks a lil wet id hold of on watering til it dries out in the middle not jus the top but anyway good luck hope you have fun

Hey Zeus!

Here is an update. The 3 new plants are 4 days old and are already almost a 1/4 inch from being the same size as the other older siblings.

Sorry they are big pictures.

I heard that you can bury part of the stem when you transplant it. I think I may bury half the stem when I trans plant the 3 new ones.

Hey Zeus!


These 2 have started to explode in growing.

This is my car key against the plants.

Here are the 3 new plants. I stuck them in this pot for now, they love it. there were new sprouts within the next day. I also did an experiment with the transplant, I read here that you could bury the stalk almost up to the leaves in dirt, and it will just grow roots. I did 3 different levels of burying.

This one I buried almost to the bottom of the first level of leaves:

This one I buried halfway from the original height:

And this one I kept level:

They seem to be growing nicely, all I do now is just water them about every other day.

Happy Growing.