How do YOU start?


Am I the only one that thinks that should be served on a bed of rice with some fried noodles and soy sauce?
I start with clones generally now and I use the BBS (Big Box Store) ProMix at $14 for 2 cu ft. as is, in 16 oz. Solo Cups. Like you, they start soaked and get nothing but spritzing for about a week before I actually water again. Nothing but spring water until after transplanted to 1/2 gallon pots. Once they take to the transplant I start with a weak application of fertilizer. <200 ppm...
Here is one 3 weeks after cloning...

When you start seeds, what soil do you prefer before moving to Fox Farm Ocean Forest or the like? No hydro or aero.

Using Black Gold seedling mix right now and I'm not happy with it. I can't help but think its causing some of my issues. It holds water like a sponge, not needing watered for 10+ days. Which became a breeding ground for fungus gnats. In turn giving me extremely slow growth and even killing one of my seedlings.

Also, I'm not sure if there are any nutrients or if I need to start feeding.
I have found black cow has little sand in it and what it does have is fine. to test your soil, fill jar about 1/3 soil rest with water, stir well, let settle. soil will layer, sand should be at least 1/5 of ingredients. I got some very coarse sand from a landscape store. Added to black cow it fixes it right up. A little Perlite helps also but doesn't "fix" soil lacking sand. When young plants are not performing watch the finger ferts. slightest touch sometimes stops growth.
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Just got these... fiddling with recipe... you still using same mix?
Si, if you must cut your worm poo you can use a 1:1 castings and peat, coir, or fine biochar. Sometimes I screen my compost rich adult soil and press that with success. Its pretty lenient