How do you pay for your MMJ?


Well-Known Member
With the new MMPR licenses and everything, I am just wondering, how can someone afford lets say 750$ a month of meds?

Does the Gov chip in at any point??? Do you pay and get reimbursed by our medical system?

Can someone explain this to me quick quick?
Sure il help ya out;

You pay 100% of your meds, no reimbursement. Some LPs offer compassionate pricing. Most compassionate is usually the drug dealer route.
being a veteran, and that me injury is related to my service. Veterans Affairs Canada pays for the whole script up to 5 grams a day.
Everyone in Canada could put there medical expenses on their tax returns though
being a veteran, and that me injury is related to my service. Veterans Affairs Canada pays for the whole script up to 5 grams a day.
Everyone in Canada could put there medical expenses on their tax returns though
For your sake, i hope concentrates come out of the dark :)
It's hard. Pretty much impossible for me to afford my whole script even under my lp compassionate pricing. I do know you can write of your meds at tax time if you have the appropriate receipts and I think I'll be doing that this year.
You can claim the outlandish price some of these so called compassionate doctors are charging just to sign your script at income tax. Flawed system in my opinion. Yes my script is for 300 grams a month and at 8$ a gram $2400 a month not including shipping. That's more than my mortgage food and utilities combined a month thus unaccessable.So I ask where is the reasonable access that We as patients are court ordered to have. It does not exist in the mmpr greed system!!!

I don't think that tax break is all it's cracked up to be. It's based on a percentage of I believe taxable income. So you don't get anything back per se.
As always, yet another federal program that has not been sought through, end user END USER HELLLO.
your best bet, get a credit card with a big limit an low interest rate lol....sad but it is a reality in this new system.
It's a tough spot to be in, growing your own under the radar is really your only option. Or finding a compassionate grower that will sell it at reasonable rates ($100/oz), or pro bono to a couple of cancer patients I know and can't afford it. The tax breaks end up being next to nothing, if you have anything above average income it nets out to pennies, if anything. That's why we need to fight for our right to grow and get rid of Harper and his money-grabbing MMPR program, it's all about the f'n money to them. Don't know what "compassionate pricing" means for Harper grow ops, what's is it, like a 15% discount, off $300/ounce?
It's a tough spot to be in, growing your own under the radar is really your only option. Or finding a compassionate grower that will sell it at reasonable rates ($100/oz), or pro bono to a couple of cancer patients I know and can't afford it. The tax breaks end up being next to nothing, if you have anything above average income it nets out to pennies, if anything. That's why we need to fight for our right to grow and get rid of Harper and his money-grabbing MMPR program, it's all about the f'n money to them. Don't know what "compassionate pricing" means for Harper grow ops, what's is it, like a 15% discount, off $300/ounce?
Some of the compassionate pricing is alright...but mostly just ends up costing the same as a decent street deal.
could have used the summer to your advantage. there was only 900000000 ha ready for planting across cannada