How do you mature a plant in 5 weeks again?


Well-Known Member
LMAO, throw your plants into 12/12 bro. No offense but thats ridiculous have you even looked around this site yet? That's like the most basic thing to learn.

1 timer

Active Member
swisher, that was a mean answer. If you don't know, don't post. I don't remember the exact post, but it had to do with basing your day on a 18 or 20 hr period so that eventually you would generate enough shortened cycles to excellerate your timing ( indoors only), seemed way to intensive for me ( I'm generally lazy) but let me know if it works for you, good luck.


stick your head up your ass so all you see is dark then pull it out in 5 weeks and you will have dank nugs in your ears

how's your ear nugs lookin?

seriously though, i know some people ask questions that some people in their superior knowlege deem "stupid", but they are just starting out and need the most help.... instead of wasting time typing an asshole response; why dont you pick one of these newbies and take them under your wing, teach them what you know?? why taunt when you can teach?:blsmoke:


y'all can kiss my female ass.
I forgot jerks.
Sue me.

also, see you have no clue who you are talking to online; this was a woman; how many women in a face to face situation would you tell to go shove their head up their ass?? have a little respect and restraint when posting please.


Well-Known Member
I find sum of the answers here extremely funny. Why would a newbie wanna try to mature a plant in 5 weeks. The mid 18 hr light cycle during flowering is an advanced growing technique. That person would be way more well served to ask the normal questions or better yet peruse the site first and get sum grows under his or her belt.


Active Member
GOGROW your a good human. I have been seeing a lot of jerks around lately taking the time to insult and not answer the question at hand.

I rarely post because I don't want to get attacked.
Their bad vibes will eventually effect their grow, if it hasn't already.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but vibes dont affect grows, since there is no such thing as "vibes".

As for your question, what do you mean by maturing? If you mean finishing flowering, then NO, it can't be done. Even if you begin on a 12/12 schedule from seed, it will take a minimum of 7 weeks to yield anything with potency and substance.


GOGROW your a good human. I have been seeing a lot of jerks around lately taking the time to insult and not answer the question at hand.

I rarely post because I don't want to get attacked.
Their bad vibes will eventually effect their grow, if it hasn't already.

bro, dont let assholes deter you from our wonderful site. just like mothers tell their children about bullies/teasing, i try not to even acknowlege the smart ass remarks/comments. you will find that soon enough you will start to see a bunch of people that will helpfully and consistently reply to your questions. and yes, their bad vibes do eventually effect their grow; cause they are here for help just like everyone else, but they end up pissin people off and not getting friendly assistance when they need it.


Sorry, but vibes dont affect grows, since there is no such thing as "vibes".

As for your question, what do you mean by maturing? If you mean finishing flowering, then NO, it can't be done. Even if you begin on a 12/12 schedule from seed, it will take a minimum of 7 weeks to yield anything with potency and substance.

"vibes" are a moral concept, not a force of nature. if you dont think your relations with people will affect all aspects of your life, down to your grow, you are sadly mistaken.


Well-Known Member
"vibes" are a moral concept, not a force of nature. if you dont think your relations with people will affect all aspects of your life, down to your grow, you are sadly mistaken.
"Vibes" are a hippie term for Karma. I understand the theory behind it. However, I don't believe in it at all. Even a scumbag can grow good MJ, and the nicest person in the world won't necessarily be rewarded for it.


"Vibes" are a hippie term for Karma. I understand the theory behind it. However, I don't believe in it at all. Even a scumbag can grow good marijuana, and the nicest person in the world won't necessarily be rewarded for it.

i agree that it isnt a law of nature, though it should, but as far as this forum goes, if you are a constantly antagonistic and condesending, then you wont find much in the way of help when you need it.


Well-Known Member
"Vibes" are a hippie term for Karma. I understand the theory behind it. However, I don't believe in it at all. Even a scumbag can grow good marijuana, and the nicest person in the world won't necessarily be rewarded for it.
True, the cannabible has a list of "vibes" to better enjoy your life. No tv, no nothing including NO COMPUTERS. Which is funny cause dude is using a computer and is probably surrounded by electronics and other shit that lowers your "vibration".. I mean it's a good theory but is just not practical in todays day.


Green Thumb of God
What does she mean by mature like 5 weeks from day one to harvest or just to flowering?

I flwoer my plants at 4-5 weeks with every grow. That is about when they hit the one foot mark and I like to start flowering at one foot to ensure I don't end up with more than three feet in t he end. but flowering takes the same amount of time no matter what you do with your lights. I would look into how to use your lighting to increase your yield rather than to speed it up.


Active Member
I find sum of the answers here extremely funny. Why would a newbie wanna try to mature a plant in 5 weeks. The mid 18 hr light cycle during flowering is an advanced growing technique. That person would be way more well served to ask the normal questions or better yet peruse the site first and get sum grows under his or her belt.
im not a complete noob.. :D
This is only my 3 grow, and I was actually asking for my friend who doesn't have an account on this site and I was double checking.
My own is outdoors.
And kicking booty too.
:peace: :joint: