How do you humidify a ventilated indoor grow room?


New Member
I'm trying to get my environment perfect before I start my grow but I have a problem with the humidity. My humidity with the lights on is about 40% at 75F. This isn't too low but I want to able to raise it 10-15%. I have a Vic's humidifier running the whole time but I also have ventilation constantly blowing outside air in and inside air out. So I feel like it's just blowing my humidity right out the door. And I need the ventilation to keep it cool in the room, and for the outdoor CO2.

Basically how do I humidify a grow room that has constant ventilation going inside and outside?
40%will be fine man you can keep a dome over any babys to give them more humidity..... also what medium are you going to use man if its soil then once the sprouts are in the room and pots are watered the evaporation from the pots will help to raise it some.... keep in mind that humidity and temp go hand in hand
I place my humidifier behind my oscillating fan so the most humid air is blown directly across the plants and minimises any transpiration. Hope that helps
Put your intake and exhaust on timers...unless they are helping to cool the tent....

I tried that ,if it runs with everything on without the ventilation it reaches over 80F and humidity raises only a few percent,. I think it's doing that because when the heat rises humidity lowers. Mabey I need a better humidfier
I tried that ,if it runs with everything on without the ventilation it reaches over 80F and humidity raises only a few percent,. I think it's doing that because when the heat rises humidity lowers. Mabey I need a better humidfier
Ya... maybe a bigger one.

How big is your space?
With a constantly (or close to constantly) ventilated traditional growroom your at the mercy of outside weather for the most part. Not just humidity wise either. What happens when your trying to cool a 85 degree grow room when its July and the air your bringing in is 90? Back in the day i just learned to deal with it best i could. Co2 was a no go but we all used it anyway and swore we saw a We were just wasting it. My winter crops were always slightly better than summer crops beacuse my heat (at a humidity sacrifice) was much easier to control. I solved all of this headache bullshit by going sealed room with minisplit ac and santa fe dehumidifiers. Co2 much more actually makes a big difference. Buds are all the same whether its August or January now. But it comes at a cost...frikin pricey as all get out to run mini split ac and all the other appliances. Real pricey compared to old school vented rooms. Its a trade off. Good luck.
Future garden makes a nutramist 3 head fogger and 6 head too. Great contraption bigger is better in this case as my 3 runs constantly..
For humidity you should look at the "ultrasonic" type. It uses a half dollar sized metal disc that is aiming up and the thing vibrated so fast that it turns the water into fog at the surface. No pads or dark wet mefia that mold loves to grow in. They are about $50

Have 3 of those very good investment.

I like high humidity and I aim always for minmum of 65 during veg preffer 70/75%.

They use 20/30w per hour if you are not using the heating function then its almost 100w ph
I got a small plant growing in a speaker box been in there for about a month and a half just switched to 2 23w CFLs from 1 14w CFL and it's much hotter so I added 2 fans. Then the humidity came up lol I just got in from buying a temp / hygrometer from Walmart put in in with 2 cups of water 1 behind the fan hopefully pulling the humidity out and blowing it on the plant and one in the corner.. Should this help raise humidity levels??? Please help IMG_20160318_145200928.jpg
I got a small plant growing in a speaker box been in there for about a month and a half just switched to 2 23w CFLs from 1 14w CFL and it's much hotter so I added 2 fans. Then the humidity came up lol I just got in from buying a temp / hygrometer from Walmart put in in with 2 cups of water 1 behind the fan hopefully pulling the humidity out and blowing it on the plant and one in the corner.. Should this help raise humidity levels??? Please help View attachment 3635122
What lowest humidty