How do you grow shrooms?


Well-Known Member
Shit in a bucket and spray mushrooms spores over it, let it sit for a few weeks and cabam there are ur shrooms!!!

I joke, you can grow shrooms in varying methods, all consists of mycellium colonizing a substrate ( a medium which provides nuitrients and a system for the mushrooms to grow and take over ) it is then fruited in a chamber of some sort with high humidity and frequent air exchange,

check this website out its got lots of nice stuff on it

PF-Tek is usually what newbies start off with, because it cna be done without a pressure cooker.


New Member
Search pf tek on google. Make some brf cakes.

Buy a spore syringe from here

Things you will need

Spore syringe
1/2 pint wide mouth ball jars
brown rice flour
Rubbing alcohol 70%
Pressure cooker if possible or a pot with a tight lid
Bleach water spray solution
Doctors mask optional
Power drill and 1/8" drill bit

When you get to fruiting you will need

A rubber maid around 60-90 quarts
Perlite to fill up 5" of your rubbermaid.
A 1/4" drill bit.

Enjoy :)
+ rep me if you can


Well-Known Member
Follow the video to the T and u are 100percent garunteed to succeed. The video is made by Roger Rabbit of Shroomery i believe hes the owner and also a mycologist.

Thanks guys! I'll check out all of that stuff. I wanna get a shitload for when me and my friends go camping later this year, but they're kinda hard to get where I live. but do you have to buy spores online or do they sell them in stores as well?