How do you give it away?

Contact some caregivers maybe? Thing is, used to think about that about charity, 'oh what if he spends it on crack and gets higher than me?' Now I'm like give and walk away, maybe he needs crack, lata cracka....
No, the deal is, if they spend it on beer or crack, that's between them and their God. My giving is between me and my God. Remember, "give and ye shall receive."
Thats cool and all but im looking to help people who NEED it. I dont care about anyone tossing me some cash when they can. I dont want money. I dont want anything. If I could do anything to help someone through chemotherapy in any way...... I cant even put words to what it would mean to me.

How do you find caregivers? Theres no publicly available list is there?
I believe there's a way to contact Charlotte's Web. They were the first, I believe, to give CBD to "Charlotte" and it stopped her seizures. The family moved to Colorado to save their daughter. Now there's some kind of movement with "Charlotte's Web"
Look for compassion clubs. I don’t know where you are or whatever. Here in Canada Mark Emmery and friends had compassion clubs set up to give away or at very least charge at cost for all things cannabis. Not sure if that’s still going on or what or if it’s state side.. They even put out an ad asking hemp farmers to donate their hemp hash from the combines and what not. I think there where even a few arrests over suppling free meds to folks in need but I can’t remember all the facts. Anyways there’s a lead for you if your serious.
They must be still doing it. I remember after legalization they moved to supply opium poppy seeds to the masses to help get access and relieve A bit of pressure on the opioid od epidemic. Again, facts require checking.