How do you get ready for Thanksgiving and Turkey Day


Well-Known Member
For tomorrow my mom is making everything this year. She's getting older, worried about diabetes, and on a budget. So yeah. Yummy. Then on Saturday I get to go to my in-laws. Everyone hates everyone else, especially me. Food will be bad because nobody there can cook microwave popcorn let alone a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

I have no weed, so I'll try to be very drunk through all this. Best not to remember too much.
Damn man, keep yer chin up.

I have to admit when I read your description of the day I thought of how good a script that would be for "Thanksgiving Vacation" starring Chevy Chase.


Well-Known Member
I'm making deviled eggs to take to my mothers and a special spinach dip. I'm gonna get some holiday crackers with it cause my fiancee thought it would be cute to do. I'm also going to roll up a nice fat joint to take with me cause there is always something that goes down at my family get gatherings. This will be the first in 3 years.

My stepdad always likes to say smartass remarks under his breath and it aggravates people then something else starts to happen and it all goes downhill. I think this year its going to start with my nephew getting expelled from school for having weed on him.

This is going to be a very interesting Thanksgiving.

Edit: I forgot to mention that after I leave my mothers I get to go to my fiancees parents house which are Laotian and I can never understand a word her parents say. They're really good people, there is just a language barrier. Should be fun having an asian thanksgiving though. :grin:


Ursus marijanus
I'm making deviled eggs to take to my mothers and a special spinach dip. I'm gonna get some holiday crackers with it cause my fiancee thought it would be cute to do. I'm also going to roll up a nice fat joint to take with me cause there is always something that goes down at my family get gatherings. This will be the first in 3 years.

My stepdad always likes to say smartass remarks under his breath and it aggravates people then something else starts to happen and it all goes downhill. I think this year its going to start with my nephew getting expelled from school for having weed on him.

This is going to be a very interesting Thanksgiving.
Use some homegrown devil!


Well-Known Member
We are non-traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner. We're doing 4 slabs of baby back ribs, about 50 smoked & stuffed jalapenos, homemade ceasar salad, deep fried corn on the cob and twice baked potatoes, and some other stuff. Turk & dressing etc is OK, but nowhere as good as my slow smoked ribs.
Damn that sounds good! I know all about the twice baked taters but how do you deep fry corn on the cob?


Well-Known Member
Damn man, keep yer chin up.

I have to admit when I read your description of the day I thought of how good a script that would be for "Thanksgiving Vacation" starring Chevy Chase.
I'd watch that.

Yep, I'll be on my best behavior. My little girl is almost 4 and really understands what's going on around her now, so it's up to me to give her some great holiday memories as best I can. She's allergic to milk and eggs, so there's some difficulty making food she can eat, but as long as she has a great big smile on her face that's all that matters to me.
in our household its usually waking up to a bagel and coffee whilst scratching my nuts all morning on the couch, walk the dog and start the football fixings, meaning a few friends and some interesting medicine.


Well-Known Member
wake up.. feed dogs.. get coffee and medibles.. then maybe a toke.. then go to in laws eat... relax with some canna peanut butter go home.. smoke then bed

pretty much like everyday cept the inlaw visitation
I have gotten thru stages 1-2-3-4-5 before 6am I call it a win


Well-Known Member
Damn that sounds good! I know all about the twice baked taters but how do you deep fry corn on the cob?
I first had it about 15 years ago at a Choctaw Indian event in Oklahoma.

Basic recipe is to shuck and marinate the corn overnight in olive oil, soy sauce (or preferably Dale's), plus whatever spices you want. I use mostly spicy ground red pepper type stuff made for hot "rubs" on smoked meats. Take em out and drain lightly, then roll them in fine ground corn meal or masa.

Drop them in clean, hot oil. Cook about 4 minutes, be gentle with them.

They come out crusty and spicy and like no other cob corn you've ever had. Seriously good and pretty easy.


Ursus marijanus
I did pass along the Magic 8 Ball's message, right? In case I got distracted it was: "This won't end well."

PS I'm off to the LA Auto Show to see the AMG SLS tomorrow.
I shriek defiance at the Magic 8-Ball. We're halfway through prepping the stuffing and its host beast ... and so far so good. The house smells divine.


Well-Known Member
Second Joint of the day coming up. Then some green crack hash and food!!!! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Stuffing Sandwiches tomorrow!
