How do you germinate?


New Member
So I have been told by many of amateur growers and some long time growers my germination process while extremely effective is extremely odd and none have ever seen this process used or have only seen it used as a process to quicken the paper towel method.

My process is using a glass shot glass filled 3/4 of the way to the surface. I then drop in 3 or 4 seeds. The ones that float and do not break the water tension barrier are the seeds that are good. Those that sink are not good/healthy seeds. I then place the shot glass in a sunny window seal and leave them there. Usually after about 24 to 48 hours the main root will start to break through the shell. I leave the seed in the water until the main root is at least a quarter of an inch long then place the germinated seed into a peet cube. After another 24-48 hours I then move to a soil or hydroponics system.

I have found this to be the most effective way possible imo to germinate as I have trouble remembering to dampen paper towels and like to see how far the progress has gotten without digging in paper towels. If you have any input or reasons why this should not be done please feel free to inform me. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I always thought that after 24 hours the seeds that float are bad?
and the seeds that sink are good?
i use the paper towel method.


New Member
I always thought that after 24 hours the seeds that float are bad?
and the seeds that sink are good?
i use the paper towel method.
No if they float that means the shell is still sealed if the float it usually means water was able to get in and sink yhe shell kinda like a boat once yhe tap roat breaks the shell it is then the tap root that helps keep it afloat if my understanding is correct but i could be off on some of the exact facts


New Member
I used to use the paper towel thing but now I just float them in a shotglass for 24 hours and straight to medium from there. For me, either way works near 100 % ( if the seeds are viable )
Thats the easy part of growing, later it gets interesting :)
Only 24 hrs hmm i have always waited until the root was showing at the earliest do you think i may be stressing the plants waiting longer than 24 hours?


Well-Known Member
I soak seeds till they sink 6-12 hours then move to paper towel in bag in a warm spot for
12-24 hours.
As soon as the tap root shows the seed goes into rock wool.
A seed that does not sink does not germinate in my limited experience.


New Member
Stick seeds in rapid root plugs and plugs in my dwc bubble cloner, wait about 24-48 hours, let them grow out.
Never have used a cloning machine i have taken a coffee box and carved the packing foam into a nice chamber cut hole in tob of box for light to fit into and used a mister hose running through box to keep themoist worked great but the box didnt last. Lmao


New Member
I soak seeds till they sink 6-12 hours then move to paper towel in bag in a warm spot for
12-24 hours.
As soon as the tap root shows the seed goes into rock wool.
A seed that does not sink does not germinate in my limited experience.
I'll post some pictures for you on my next germination I have never had seeds that sank actually germinate in my experience but as I stated this is my first grow in 10 years


Well-Known Member
I always thought that after 24 hours the seeds that float are bad?
and the seeds that sink are good?
i use the paper towel method.
no some just float and you push them down and they will stay down.. the bad ones are the ones that don't pop haha

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
I've always just plopped them into the soil. Poke a hole with my finger, toss the seed in, few drops of water and they nearly always germinate.
Seeing so many peeps having trouble germin their seeds and/or making it such a complicated process troubles me. It's the easiest part of growing:
Just get a solo cup, stab a couple drain holes in it & fill it with starter mix or some recycled unfertilized soil (my preference). Get it nice & wet & then make a tiny hole with your pinky & drop the seed in. I like to put a ziplok bag over the top of the cup to elevate humidity until it sprouts. Keep in the dark in a warm place or use a seed blanket; should sprout in 5-7 dayz. I use a hand mister to keep things moist without soaking it....
I used to do the whole thing with the shot glass or paper towel but it's an unecessary extra step imo good luck & happy growin growers!!!


Well-Known Member
I've had great success by putting them on some folded up paper towel that sits on a yogurt container lid, then slip that into a clear plastic bag and fold up the bottom and put it on a window sill. Usually 2 days later they have cracked, then a couple days after that I plant them.



Well-Known Member
I have used the tried and true method of sticking seeds up my cat's ass and when the taproot is visible, I feed him canned food with a bit of ex-lax and use the nutes in the cat shit to set my seedlings which I then plant in used kitty litter and water with Mt. Dew twice a day...HELLA NUGGIES!

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Well-Known Member
Seriously though, when in 1st grade I remember putting lima beans in paper towels and seeing them pop and then soil. When I decided to grow cannabis and read about germination I saw that was the preferred method so,,,there you go.
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